By: Alfred Jones
Look After Your Health. The threat of a Bird Flu Pandemic.
The threat to the world from Bird Flu is more serious now, than it
was when I wrote my first article on the subject in May, 2005.
entitled "Will Avian Flu Become Pandemic" since then it has
spread to numerous other countries, but thankfully at this stage
it has not, as yet, mutated to a strain that can transfer from
Human to Human.
It is so easy for this virus to mutate, it can happen as simply
as a person catching Bird Flu from poultry or birds, when that
person, has already caught one of the more common strains of
Influenza. This could enable the Bird Flu virus to then cause a
pandemic outbreak of this deadly disease throughout the world.
History of the Bird Flu and its Spread. It first started in
South Korea at a chicken farm in 2003, a couple of months or so
later, it was detected in Vietnam, then an outbreak was found in
chickens in Indonesia, Thailand confirms the death of a six year
old boy, this was the first known death from Bird Flu. China
also has problems and Malaysia has found the virus in chickens,
near the Thailand border.
This year, 2005, Bird Flu has been found in ducks in the
Philippines, Japan has had an outbreak in chickens, then it was
also found in Russia. In October, 2005 it was discovered in
Turkey and Romania, so you can see that it is spreading across
the globe, slowly but surely. The very latest is that has now
been dicovered in Greece.
It is spread at this stage by birds, mainly migratory birds that
fly north or south from the Asian region, where they can take it
to Russia and Europe, or in the other direction, south to
Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region.
The European Union has warned that there should not be any
panic, though it has told the 25 nations that make up the Union
to start stockpiling supplies of anti viral drugs. It has been
confirmed in nearly all cases the strain of virus is the highly
virulent and lethal H5N1.
In London, it has been confirmed that Britain is at risk and
they have suggested that all people that could be vulnerable,
should consider having normal Flu injections. The United States
Senate, on September 29, 2005, voted to provide almost $US4
billion to purchase a stockpile of the two anti viral drugs.
Future Prospects Professor Ian Frazer of Brisbane, Australia,
who with his research team, after many years of heartache,
trials and tribulations, have announced that they have now
perfected a vaccine that will prevent Cervical Cancer and this
vaccine should be available in 2006, this is a world
breakthrough and a historic discovery, he now is thinking of
turning his talents to the H5N1 virus, he and many of his
colleagues are convinced that it is only a matter of time before
this virus will start attacking humans and cause a pandemic.
It has been estimated that the death toll throughout the world,
if this pandemic should start, could be as high as 40 million
people. Currently, humans are catching the virus from birds that
have the infection, through their saliva or faeces, which when
dry can be inhaled by humans. The authorities state emphatically
that it can not be transmitted through eating poultry.
What Can You Do? It is recommended by a number of authorities
that you should consider having the normal human flu vaccine.
There are two drugs available that can help, but are in short
supply, also quite expensive, Tamiflu and Relenza.
Take all the sensible normal precautions.
Your Immune System, this is your natural defence against all
illnesses and diseases. Try to ensure that you Immune System is
functioning as efficiently as possible. Make sure that what you
eat and drink is natural and as nutritious as you can make it.
More information is available from my website.
About the author:
Article by Alfred Jones, Information Advisor for The Health Secret of the Himalayas This
article may be freely used by Newsletters amd Web Sites without
permission as long as it is shown in its entirety.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
11 hours ago
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