By: Dan Dailey
It seems almost as if there is a new fad diet every week. Many
of these contain elements of truth, but on the whole they
contain much more good marketing than good science.
There is the 3-day diet, which touts eating little more than
fruits for three days, followed by vegetables or meat or grains
the other days. There are lots of variations.
While it's certainly true that eating fruit regularly is a key
element to good health - most contain needed carbohydrates,
vitamins and fiber - eating almost exclusively fruit for three
days leads to imbalance - in carbohydrates, fiber and additional
otherwise healthy components.
To an extent the body will equalize and store what it needs for
later, but there are limits.
Similarly, the 'low carb, high protein' diets, such as Atkins,
recommend cutting way down on carbohydrates and eating
substantial amounts of food high in protein.
Here again protein is vital to proper nutrition, but so are
carbohydrates. Putting too much emphasis on the first over the
second leads to rapid, temporary weight loss, but at a high cost.
Carbohydrates are essential for supplying energy for all
biochemical processes. Though the body, when needed, will use
other sources, such as fat and protein.
Too great an emphasis on protein reduces the ability of the body
to store and regulate the appropriate amount of water, whereas
carbohydrates help that.
There are very attractive sounding 'chocolate diets'. Nearly
everyone loves chocolate and, contrary to some reports of a few
years ago, it is healthy - in moderation.
Chocolate contains anti-oxidants and other compounds that are
helpful. But, as with anything, too much of a good thing is just
that - too much.
Also, since many will seek chocolate in forms that come with
high fat, high sugar amounts it's possible to get some
not-so-helpful elements along with the good.
There are ultra-low fat diets. Once again, the problem isn't
with reduced fat, but going to extremes. A certain amount of fat
in the diet is a healthy thing.
Any diet which makes promises of radical, rapid or quick weight
loss - or any other extreme claim - is almost guaranteed to be
more harmful than helpful.
The human body has evolved over millions of years and decades of
good nutritional research still confirms the common sense truth:
balance is good, moderation is healthy.
Eat moderate portions at regular intervals of fruits and
vegetables (for vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber), grains (for
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber), protein (for amino
acids) and dairy products (for calcium, unless you're lactose
For the average person, between 2000-2500 calories per day is
appropriate. Less for women, on average, and for those seeking
rapid weight loss.
A balanced diet, coupled with age-appropriate, moderate and
regular exercise, will lead to a healthy percentage of body fat,
good muscle tone and a well-tuned system. You'll find you feel
better and look good.
About the author: is an excellent place to find weight loss and diet
resource, links and articles. For more information visit: weight loss
Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204
17 hours ago
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