Monday, May 01, 2006

Is treadmill running as good as training outside?

By: Roy Palmer

Treadmill running differs from road running in a number of ways
and this should be considered when training. The first obvious
difference is the lack of wind resistance when running indoors.
Another difference is the surface. Although experts differ on
this issue a smooth moving surface underneath your feet is not
the same as an uneven stationary road. Most runners agree that
running on a treadmill feels different to road. This should be
taken into consideration when training.

Is running on a
treadmill better than the road? This comes down to preference.
Many prefer being outdoors whereas others have environmental,
climatic or personal safety concerns making treadmill running an
ideal choice.

Firstly let's look at the psychological
factors of running on a treadmill compared to the road. Unless
you have a large room for your machine you will most likely to
be facing a wall or window within a few meters. Research has
shown that runners on treadmills take shorter paces that may be
due to the proximity of a barrier or fear of falling off. It
does take time to learn how to run on a moving surface and even
when confident many runners will tighten their lower backs,
again possibly a psychological reaction to staying on the

When comparing physical technique, research has
found that when the foot lands on the belt the foot, ankle and
shin, become temporarily part of the belt and move backwards
from the centre and mass of the body at the same speed. This
means the shinbone of the leg landing is not as upright as with
normal running and has a greater range of motion.

Treadmill running can be useful for injured athletes, using a
mirror can be a good way to observe your technique (although it
must be recognised that it is not the same as training on the

Whether using a treadmill or road you will need
to vary your running program for two reasons. Firstly, if you
continue doing the same distance and the same speed you will get
less and less benefit as your body adapts. Secondly, you can
soon become de-motivated by the same thing week in, week out.
Alternating between shorter faster runs and longer distances at
a slower pace will help to condition your body and improve
endurance, muscle strength and cardio-vascular function. It will
also provide you with variety and a different challenge for each

I usually recommend runners to use one or the
other exclusively, because I see them as different activities.

About the author:
Roy Palmer is a teacher of The Alexander Technique and has
studied performance enhancement in sport for the last 10 years.
In 2001 he published a book called 'The Performance Paradox:
Challenging the conventional methods of sports training and
exercise' and is currently working on a new project about The
Zone. More information about his unique approach to training can
be found at

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