Thursday, May 18, 2006

Body Building Supplements

For convenience, body building supplements are great for adding calories and fuel to your workout routine. The best thing to use is whey protein powder mixed into a shake. This is a proven and time tested method that gets good results for most people. Any decent name brand product will do.

What about all the other products such as selected amino acids, vitamins, herbs, etc.? Some are added to protein products already or you can take them individually but the best thing in my opinion is to add some fresh fruits and/or vegetables to your protein shake. This provides a real food boost and comes with all the natural phytochemicals inherent in those foods.

Here's an example of a shake/smoothie in which you can add or extract ingredients as you see fit:

grape juice
whey protein powder
romaine lettuce leaves
1-2 ounces coconut milk
blend up good adding lettuce as you go

This is a perfect body building supplement as it combines engineered modern products with whole foods. It contains roughly 400 calories and will refuel you before or after a workout. You may discover a bunch of favorite shakes if you experiment with different fruits and veggies. Feel free to post comments on your favorite variations.

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