Monday, December 18, 2006

Stay Fit Over the Holidays While Traveling

The holidays always pose a challenge to your fitness routine. For those who travel during this time the challenge is even tougher. Here's a good article to help you find a way to stay fit.

Tom Venuto's Top 10 Travel Fitness Tips
By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Burn The Fat

I recently read two articles about travel fitness. One said that while you're traveling, you should keep up with 50% of your normal training and the other said you should keep up with only one-third. Both were written by well known fitness professionals and both said that you should NOT expect to keep up your regular exercise program while you are traveling. That struck me as kind of "lame" and I said to myself, “Why the heck not? Why do people have such low standards and demand so little of themselves? Why do they let themselves off the hook and scale back?”

Sometimes, of course, traveling is purely for a vacation – including a vacation from training. Occasional time off from intense training is beneficial and necessary to let your body recover and rejuvenate completely from chronic training stress, just as time off from the office is needed to disengage your mind for a while. It’s also true that it really doesn’t take much to maintain fitness once it is developed, and an abbreviated, but still effective, workout routine could certainly be used, if you choose, when you’re on the road.

However, you still have healthy eating to think about and just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you can’t follow your regular exercise regimen. Why settle? If you want to continue to improve your physique while on the road, you can! Here are 10 ways that I did it on my last extended business trip that you may find helpful as well. It begins with a simple decision.

1. Decide to improve while you’re traveling and to come home in better shape than when you left

Nearly every time I travel (the exception being if it’s a complete rest and relaxation vacation), I set a goal to come home in better shape than when I left. The only reason most people usually come home with lower fitness and a few extra pounds than when they left is because they didn’t make a decision to do otherwise. In fact, many people hold a belief that it’s “impossible” to stay on their eating and exercise program while they are traveling! Why not get in better shape no matter where you are? The truth is, all it takes is a decision and some planning. I find it a fun and exhilarating challenge to improve myself no matter where I am in the world.

2. Write out your workout schedule in advance

There’s nothing like writing your goals down on paper to keep your mind focused and keep yourself motivated. In addition to writing out goals regularly, preferably every day, you should also commit your training schedule to paper and especially when you are traveling. Write down the days, the time of the day and the exact workout you plan to do and you will be amazed at how easy you will find it is to get to the gym and have great workouts.

3. Get a hotel with a kitchen

The single most important part of my travel arrangements was to book a hotel with a kitchen. For me, not having a kitchen is not an option. If you don’t have kitchen, you will be much more likely to skip meals, it’s very difficult to eat 5 or 6 times a day (as required by any good fat burning or muscle building nutrition program), and you may end up at the mercy of restaurant, hotel or convenience store food. For my most recent trip, I stayed at Homestead Studio Suites, one of several national hotel chains in the USA which includes a full kitchen including a refrigerator, microwave, stove – the whole works. Exteneded Stay America and Marriot Residence Inn offer similar accomodations

On previous trips, if there wasn’t such a hotel with a kitchen in the vicinity, I searched the internet for apartments for short term rental. You may be surprised at the type of lodging you can find and often you will be pleased with price as compared to hotels. I once booked a luxury condo for 7 days and it ended up costing less than the hotel I was first considering, and the hotel didn’t even have a kitchen. Nothing beats a full kitchen, but you may also find that many hotels will provide you with a microwave and mini-refrigerator if you ask for them.

4. Go food shopping immediately after checking in

The FIRST thing I did after checking in was to make a beeline straight to the local grocery store. I took a shopping list with me because on past trips I found that I nearly always seemed to forget one or two small items if I didn’t have the written grocery list. Once you have a fully stocked refrigerator and kitchen, your meal planning and preparation is NO DIFFERENT than it is when you are home.

5. check the local restaurant locations and menus and commit in advance to making healthy choices when dining out

Since I had a kitchen at my disposal, the majority of my meals were just business as usual. I cooked them right in my hotel room and brought them along with me wherever I went. However, when traveling, it’s likely that you will probably be having quite a few restaurant meals.

I make it a habit to scope out the local restaurants in advance and even check their websites. Most have their menus online these days. I make a decision in advance whether it will be a regular meal or a “cheat meal.” If it’s a cheat meal, I enjoy whatever I want, but I always keep portion sizes in mind. For example, last time, I split a slice of cheesecake with a friend. Was I guilty? Heck no, it was my planned cheat day, I only ate half a slice and it was the first cheesecake I had in 12 months!

If you walk into a restaurant without having made a decision in advance whether you are staying on your regular meals or having a cheat meal, you are much more likely to have a “diet accident” and make a poor choice on impulse, especially if you’re influenced by non-healthy-eating companions (don’t under estimate the negative peer pressure factor). All it takes is one unplanned cheat meal and that can often lead to guilt. Then “all or none thinking” tends to set in and you may tell yourself, “Well, I blew it,” so the next meal and then the rest of the week tends to completely fall apart as well.

Continued in Part 2

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to burn fat without drugs or supplements using the little-known secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and turbo-charge your metabolism by visiting: Burn The Fat .

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What You Need To Know When Dieting

By: David Fishman

There is no better way to lose weight than to eat right and
exercise regularly. Weight loss pills are not a good solution to
the overweight problem, nor are they proposed as replacement for
the conventional weight loss and management methods such as
exercise and diet. When you go on a diet and decide you want to
lose some weight, most people think "I'll stop eating so much,
maybe do a bit of exercise and be my ideal weight in just a few
days". Depending on the amount of weight this method normally
works. Trying to lose weight using methods like medication,
hypnotism usually do not work in the long run. When losing
weight most of the weight seems to be reduced when those who are
trying to lose weight have a trainer and follow a plan. Is there
any more of a dirty word then "Exercise" in our society today?
Other then the fact that finding and understanding a new
exercise program has gotten as complicated as programming your
VCR used to be I think the other main reason is that most of us
just can't find the time.

To change your body quickly, you need to start focusing on
natural carbs, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, oatmeal,
whole-grain and or rice. For most people, that means eating a
large, healthy breakfast and then eating (or "snacking") every 3
hours throughout the day. If you are like me, and enjoy bread,
make sure you stop eating the white stuff, and opt for a
wholegrain type or my preference, Rye bread. Eating only once
per day will slow you right down and you will actually gain
weight. You will probably discover that you like eating
healthier foods.

By using an appetite suppressant, and finding ways to restore
normal, balanced eating habits, it may be possible to lose
weight as well as the stress of dieting through will power
alone, and get your life back on track. Try not to eat
convenience foods they contain saturated fats and refined sugars
try to eat more fruits, whole grains and vegetables and try to
exercise more.

While you are getting used to the diet and fewer calories this
sometimes can lead to dizziness and headaches. It is not about
carbohydrates, calories and portion control it is about keeping
your body cleansed.

If you eat and drink more calories than your body requires you
will put on weight. Weight loss is a matter of burning more
calories than you consume. Weight loss supplements are a tool
that can help absorb and curb your hunger so you don't eat as
many calories.

When you reach 50, you need 500 calories less each day than when
you were in your twenties. When you lose muscle tone it could
lower your metabolic rate, this reason for this is because fat
doesn't need calories, this causes more calories to be stored
which will turn into fat and makes it harder to exercise. So eat
right and exercise and you will be fine.

About the author:
David Marc Fishman is the owner of The new how to via video

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Feeling good and Positive through Exercise

By: John Parker

Exercising is essential for a better body that functions well
and feels good both inside and outside. This does take time, but
the rewards are worth it. Exercising makes you feel positive
about yourself and that feeling projects itself to those around

There are several different types of exercises suitable for
everyone irrespective of age, weight or physical ability. There
are exercises such as walking, running or jogging, and swimming
which help you build strong heart and lung muscles. If properly
done, these exercises can help you control your weight as well.
This type of exercise is referred to as aerobic exercise and
it's also good for toning your muscles.

Walking and running help you tone your muscles, but too much of
this type of exercise makes you lose muscles. If your goal is to
look good on the outside as well as well as the inside, you will
need to build some muscle. Using weights to strengthen your
muscle also adds more mass to them. Muscles require food to
thrive. Building muscles enables you to use the food you eat
more efficiently so that you reduce the body fat and get the
shape you want.

Exercising combined with eating a balanced diet in balanced
quantities helps you get and maintain the body you want. What
this means to you is that you need to eat carbohydrates,
protein, and even some fat. Every body is different, but the
general rule is to eat what your body will use.

Exercise and rest go hand in hand. You actually wear your body
down during exercise and build it up with rest. Too much of one
or the other can have different, yet disastrous effects. For
those over thirty, it takes the body about 24 hours to fully
recover from an hour of strenuous exercise, so it's a good idea
to take a couple of days off a week. Daily rest is also
important, therefore try and get it. Most people start off well,
but more often than not end up finishing poorly. A fitness
program is a lifetime commitment, not a short term project. In
order to keep a level of persistence, you need to reward
yourself periodically. Maybe it's an extra day off from training
or a piece of chocolate. It's your choice, but don't forget to
do it.

About the author:
For more information Visit

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Muscle, fitness and the stomach bulge

By: Alwyn Lee Beikoff

When it comes to muscle and fitness, all the men want washboard
abs and the women want a nice flat tummy. Many believe you can
spot reduce the belly and waist-line.

But the truth is, if all you do is exercise your abdominal
, you are sure to be disappointed.

There is more involved in protruding abdomens than weak muscles.

Your flabby stomach and poor muscle fitness may be accompanied
by and contributed to by a flabby self-esteem. The more your
self-image sags the more you lose control over your looks,
fitness and health.

This emotional deficit causes many people to turn to food for
solace. Naturally the more emotionally uplifting foods are the
fats and refined carbohydrates. The more of these you eat the
less good you feel about yourself so the more you eat and the
fatter you get. It's a viscious circle.

If you try to halt the downward spiral by exercising only those
muscles under the flab you eventually get more despondent at the
futility of it.

A woman's fat stores are primarily located on the thighs, hips,
waist and abdomen. As the fat thickens and the muscular casing
around the abdominal cavity weakens from lack of exercise, the
belly bulges more and more.

The internal muscles that keep the pelvis on an even keel give
way under the strain, tipping the pelvis forward, and the tummy
gets bigger still.

The constant pressure on the spine from all the weight in the
front puts strain on the low back muscles, fatiguing and
weakening them, leading inevitably to all kinds of low back

This problem cannot be corrected by dieting along or spot
exercising the stomach muscles. To flatten the stomach you not
only have to strengthen the sagging muscles, you also have to
rebuild your self-image, overcome your desire for fattening
foods, and redesign your nutritional intake.

If you really want to reduce that big spot that leads the way
wherever you go, attack it from 3 directions.

1. Reshape your body image. Set aside a few minutes
several times every day and tell yourself exactly how you want
to look, shapely and lean. Concentrate on the desired image in
detail and feel as though you already have it.

Your mind stores these images. Subliminally they reprogram your
subconscious. Though you won't hear the messages, your body
will. Something deep within you will stir the urge to begin a
diet and to improve your muscle fitness with an exercise program.

When you consciously make the decision to acquire a flat
stomach, your inner computer sets about making it so.

Once you are in control of your appetite you gain some pride in
your accomplishment and begin to restore your self-esteem. A big
fat belly and high self-esteem are incompatible.

2. Set up a sound nutritional program. Eliminate all
refined carbohydrates and reduce your fat intake to as low as
possible. Cut out any foods in cartons, boxes, cans and jars.
Shop from the fresh produce section of the supermarket.

Cook less and eat more raw foods. These are higher in fibre and
lessen time in the digestion system, thus decreasing the
absorption of any fat in the food.

Eat fowl without the skin. Eat fish which contains the essential
omega fatty acids. Protein is also obtained from lean red meat
which is also a good source of iron and B12.

Steam, bake and broil rather than fry.

3. Build your muscles and fitness The midsection muscles
crisscross to form a strong protective cage around the inner
organs, and stabilize the whole trunk. If fat and flabby, these
muscles will sag and distend the abdomen and impair the inner

A good bodybuilding program is the best way to burn off your
excess, unsightly fat and replace it with firm shapely muscle.
Sit-ups and crunches alone won't get rid of that big gut. They
are an important part of the solution but you must work every
part of your body for overall fitness. Work out systematically
at weights and aerobics for 20-60 minutes on as many days of the
week as you can. Only by the diligent application of this three
pronged approach will you reduce that pot spot and get that flat
smooth tummy. And if you really want them and continue to work
hard with this approach you can even develop washboard abs.

About the author:
Alwyn Beikoff ( is an educator
and personal performance coach who helps people the world over
to change the way they think and create the body and life they

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

6 Hot Tips On Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

By: Dean Iggo

Building a home gym is a great way to jump start your fitness
program. Finding all of the components you enjoy using at a
fitness center to add to your home collection can help save you
money in the long run. In the short term, though, it can seem to
be costing you an excess amount of money. From treadmills to
ellipticals to exercise bikes, purchasing reconditioned exercise
equipment can save you money and create your ideal gym.
Reconditioned equipment usually comes from commercial facilities
like gyms, hospitals, and schools who have recently updated
their holdings.

Tips on Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

1.Be sure the company you are purchasing from has the desired
item in stock. Because the refurbishing equipment can take some
time due to a number of factors, waiting on back-ordered
equipment in this situation is a really poor idea.

2.Get some references from your dealer of previous customers.
This can help you decide if you want to use this dealer to buy
your refurbished equipment.

3.Talk to the company about how long you can expect the
equipment to last. Some companies offer warranties on brand
names like Precor and Star Trac. Other companies can at least
inform you of how long and how hard the equipment was used in
the first place.

4.Check with several different refurbished equipment dealers. As
with any purchase, you want to shop around to get the best
possible deal.

5.Be sure the equipment you are examining is what you want. If
you're unsure, do not purchase it. It will only mean another
piece of unused furniture to decorate your home.

6.Finally, investigate the refurbishing process. This can help
you decide how well the company you are dealing with fixes the
equipment you are looking to add to your home gym.

About the author:
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of
providing reviews of the best used treadmills and fitness equipment
including, treadmills, ellipticals and dumbbells from top brands
including Proform, Precor, Total Gym, Smooth, Weider and more.

6 Hot Tips On Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

By: Dean Iggo

Building a home gym is a great way to jump start your fitness
program. Finding all of the components you enjoy using at a
fitness center to add to your home collection can help save you
money in the long run. In the short term, though, it can seem to
be costing you an excess amount of money. From treadmills to
ellipticals to exercise bikes, purchasing reconditioned exercise
equipment can save you money and create your ideal gym.
Reconditioned equipment usually comes from commercial facilities
like gyms, hospitals, and schools who have recently updated
their holdings.

Tips on Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

1.Be sure the company you are purchasing from has the desired
item in stock. Because the refurbishing equipment can take some
time due to a number of factors, waiting on back-ordered
equipment in this situation is a really poor idea.

2.Get some references from your dealer of previous customers.
This can help you decide if you want to use this dealer to buy
your refurbished equipment.

3.Talk to the company about how long you can expect the
equipment to last. Some companies offer warranties on brand
names like Precor and Star Trac. Other companies can at least
inform you of how long and how hard the equipment was used in
the first place.

4.Check with several different refurbished equipment dealers. As
with any purchase, you want to shop around to get the best
possible deal.

5.Be sure the equipment you are examining is what you want. If
you're unsure, do not purchase it. It will only mean another
piece of unused furniture to decorate your home.

6.Finally, investigate the refurbishing process. This can help
you decide how well the company you are dealing with fixes the
equipment you are looking to add to your home gym.

About the author:
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of
providing reviews of the best used treadmills and fitness equipment
including, treadmills, ellipticals and dumbbells from top brands
including Proform, Precor, Total Gym, Smooth, Weider and more.

6 Hot Tips On Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

By: Dean Iggo

Building a home gym is a great way to jump start your fitness
program. Finding all of the components you enjoy using at a
fitness center to add to your home collection can help save you
money in the long run. In the short term, though, it can seem to
be costing you an excess amount of money. From treadmills to
ellipticals to exercise bikes, purchasing reconditioned exercise
equipment can save you money and create your ideal gym.
Reconditioned equipment usually comes from commercial facilities
like gyms, hospitals, and schools who have recently updated
their holdings.

Tips on Buying Reconditioned Exercise Equipment

1.Be sure the company you are purchasing from has the desired
item in stock. Because the refurbishing equipment can take some
time due to a number of factors, waiting on back-ordered
equipment in this situation is a really poor idea.

2.Get some references from your dealer of previous customers.
This can help you decide if you want to use this dealer to buy
your refurbished equipment.

3.Talk to the company about how long you can expect the
equipment to last. Some companies offer warranties on brand
names like Precor and Star Trac. Other companies can at least
inform you of how long and how hard the equipment was used in
the first place.

4.Check with several different refurbished equipment dealers. As
with any purchase, you want to shop around to get the best
possible deal.

5.Be sure the equipment you are examining is what you want. If
you're unsure, do not purchase it. It will only mean another
piece of unused furniture to decorate your home.

6.Finally, investigate the refurbishing process. This can help
you decide how well the company you are dealing with fixes the
equipment you are looking to add to your home gym.

About the author:
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of
providing reviews of the best used treadmills and fitness equipment
including, treadmills, ellipticals and dumbbells from top brands
including Proform, Precor, Total Gym, Smooth, Weider and more.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tips For Gym Memberships

There are many different factors that you need to look for in joining a gym. One thing is the availability and price of the gym. You would also need to see what kinds of classes they have to offer and when they are to see if the classes are going to fit into you schedule.

Are the trainers going to be able to help you with any questions that you may have and are they going to be walking around so that they are going to be available to anyone that is using the facilities.

You may want to see how far away the fitness gym is from your house and if you are going to have any trouble getting their at any time on the year. You would also want to see how often you are permitted to go to the fitness center to work out in a week some places may limit how often you are permitted to go so there is not any harm done to your body from working out too much in a week.

Another good point is to find just how long would you be permitted to stay on one machine or is there time limits for one exercise equipment. Some may put a time limit on the exercise equipment so that everyone that is there would have a chance to use all the equipment that they have to offer you.

One other thing is to look around and see if you are going to get your moneys worth from the fitness gym. That would mean by the classes they may offer and the exercise equipment that they have to offer all that are going to join.

You could even ask the present or past members of the gym for their opinion of how the fitness facility works on a daily basis. Another thing to look for is if they may have a trial period for possible members so they can decide if it may be what they are looking for. Then if you decide that you may be interested in that particular fitness gym you could see if they may have special deals for any new members that are joining their fitness center.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Power Walking Superb For Fitness

Do you have a spring in your step? Does life feel so good that you cannot wait to get out of bed in the morning?

With the sedentary lifestyle so many of us lead nowadays, the chances of feeling like this are a little on the minus side. Hours of sitting at computers, driving to work and then watching TV at home, all lead to being overweight, having posture-related aches and pains and a general feeling of sluggishness.

These physical symptoms lead to mental sluggishness too. So we are trapped in this cycle of lethargy, draining us of our vital energy.

In order to lignite that vital spark, we need to break this cycle and the way to do it is...exercise. Exercise should not an optional extra that we fit into our lives when we feel like it, it needs to be an essential part.

Body and spirit are inextricably linked, so to achieve a healthy mind, you must firstly have a healthy body.

In order to make exercise an ingredient of our everyday lives, something that we will stick at, it needs to be fun. It needs to be enjoyable, challenging, motivational, have variety, achieve the desired results and suit your body and lifestyle.

One of the most natural forms of exercise is walking. Walking is an aerobic exercise that will not only increase your cardiovascular strength, but improve your posture as well.

Whereas any form of walking is beneficial, the most powerful is...Power Walking.

There are numerous benefits to be gained from power walking and some of them are:

Cardiovascular fitness is improved and thus the risk of coronary disease and strokes is reduced.

Mental well-being is improved resulting in a reduction in anxiety, stress and tension.

Muscles are toned and strengthened.

Helps to reduce body fat and manage your body weight.

Boosts energy and improves your self esteem.

The above are just a few of the physical and mental benefits to be gained from power walking. One benefit that deserves special mention and is often overlooked, is that if you walk with friends, it is socially enjoyable. This ensures that your power walking exercise is fun and not an activity that has to be endured.

Power walking is a low cost form of exercise. No special clothes or equipment are necessary to be able to participate.

However, there is one item that I would strongly recommend and that is a good pair of walking shoes. Each time your foot hits the ground, it is subjected to two and a quarter times your body weight, so the purchase of walking shoes is a wise investment.

So, muster your friends, grab your walking shoes and power walk yourself to new levels of physical and mental well-being.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Get Off The Couch

By: Adrian Barrett

Regular exercise makes you look better and feel better. It is
that simple. Movement is a sign of life. Stagnation is a sign of
something you might contemplate while passing a cemetery. If you
want to feel radiantly alive in mind and body, get off the couch
and begin to move. Regular exercise, no more complicated than
walking, can restore health to all your muscles, bones, glands,
organs and cells. Inactivity is one of the major causes of
disease but activity is life.

Action is one of the laws of our being. Why not resolve right
now to take charge of your health and your life? You owe it to
yourself and you are worth the effort. If you do not believe so,
read and meditate on the Eighth Psalm. It is one of the most
beautiful in the entire Books of Psalms.When weather permits,
walk out of doors, by the beach, the ocean, the lake, or in a
park away from pollution, noise and commercial distractions.
Window shopping is not exercising. In foul or inclement weather
it might be necessary to walk through a large mall or around an
indoor track, but always remember that exercise in the open air
is essential.

As often as you can, head for the sea, the mountains, or the
lakes and get moving. You will add years to your life and will
be aiding in the battle to prevent disease, atrophy and

Exercise in the open air is just as important for those who are
well as for those who are ill. Impurities are expelled from the
skin and lungs when circulation has been quickened by vigorous

The great British physician, Dr. Edward Johnson of London,
writing as far back as the nineteenth century, maintained that
the lungs and skin were the most important organs appointed to
expel waste matter from our systems. Vigorous exercise can
result in the expulsion of up to two pounds of useless waste
matter per day. Yet the sad truth is that these two bodily
organs remain comparatively idle in most people. Man, who was
created in the image of God is today a poor physical specimen
for the most part.

Oh, we have great athletes with amazing physiques and skills,
but take a look around the next time you pass a donut shop or
get caught on the cookie isle in the grocery store. We now live
in a society where hundreds of thousands of people are too fat
to fly on a commercial airplane.

Regular vigorous walking is the best solution for diseased
bodies. It increases the peristaltic action of the intestinal
tract. The motions of walking cause all of the internal and
digestive organs to swing, stimulating their function.

You might experience some pain in your muscles because they are
being reinvigorated after long disuse. Nature will bring them
back to life. There are today many good exercises known to
produce satisfactory results if performed properly and
regularly. Yet for most people, walking is best. When one begins
to walk, sickness begins to go. There is no good reason why man,
with his superior intelligence, should be at the low end of the
scale of creatures in the matter of strength, health, and well
being. So put on some comfortable clothes, lace up those good
walking shoes and get moving.

About the author:
© 2006 -- Adrian Barrett -- To learn German or to learn to speak German
, please visit this website.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

5 Top Tips For Building Muscle At Home

By: Darren MacLeod

I have always believed that you have a much better chance of
reaching your fitness goals if you join a gym and get advice
from a professional trainer or coach. However, many readers do not have the time, money or
desire to join a gym and prefer to workout at home. I believe
that working out home has a its disadvantages, but the one huge
advantage it does have don't have to leave the house!

If you are one of these people that plans to workout at home
then this article is for you! Like I just mentioned, you will
have a far better chance of achieving your goals when you join a
gym but it is possible to get into shape and build muscle
without leaving your home with limited equipment.

So here at my top 5 tips for building muscle at home:

1) Don't waste your money on "miracle" gym equipment Getting in
shape takes time, motivation and hard work. If you are not
willing to put in those three things then you may as well not
start. Avoid gym equipment that says "get in shape in 5 minutes
a day", or "flatter abs in 14 days". These types of equipment
are a total waste of money! You can literally do hundreds of
exercises just using a set of dumbbells and a barbell, and these
happen to be some of the cheapest pieces of gym equipment. If
you are unsure of what equipment best suits your needs you
should consult a fitness professional (see tip 5).

2) Wherever possible, use your bodyweight If you have limited
equipment, bodyweight exercises are your friend. You can
potentially pack on a huge amount of muscle without ever lifting
a dumbbell or barbell. Good bodyweight exercises to do at home
include chin ups, wide grip pull ups, dips, bench dips, push ups
and bodyweight rows.

3) Plan your diet around your workouts If you have the
flexibility of working out at home then you also have the
ability to plan your meals around your workouts. Diet makes up
70% of the building muscle process so you can see how important
it is. Make sure you eat a good serve of complex carbohydrates
about one hour before your workout and a nutritious meal
containing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals within
1 hour of finishing your workout. You should spread your meals
out evenly throughout the day. Eat six small meals throughout
the day instead of three large ones. This promotes a fast
metabolism and limits fat storage.

4) Avoid distractions One of the problems with working out at
home is getting easily distracted. If possible, set up your gym
equipment in an empty room with a stereo so you can focus on
working out and not what's happening around the house. A friend
of mine who has a home gym told me he often used to put his
favorite bodybuilding DVDs on while he was training to keep him
motivated. This is an awesome tip to stay motivated at home.
Another tip would be to try and workout when no one else is home.

5) Consult a fitness professional I recommend this for people
who are new to weight training and home workouts. Even if you
have trained in a gym before, working out at home is much
different and a fitness professional with working out at home
experience should be able to help you out. In addition to
helping you with your home gym setup, he/she will be able to
plan a good routine and give you some tips to maximize the
equipment you've got. You should be able to get all the help you
need in one or two sessions so it shouldn't break the bank!

These are just a few important tips for those of you working out
at home. If you are serious about workout out at home for the
long term, I would recommend that you pick up a few more basic
pieces of equipment. These include an adjustable bench, weight
rack (this can be used for bench and squatting) and a good range
of dumbbells and weight plates.

If you have any more questions about working out at home head
over to the forum on, our members will
happily help you out with some free advice. Well, good luck with
your home workouts and thank you for reading this article. See
links below for further information.

About the author:
Learn how to build muscle, gain weight and shape up by reading
this free muscle building information.
Muscle& has over 700 page of free info including muscle building supplement advice.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Better eating ... easy as 1, 2, 3

By: Matt Hodkinson

I'm sure you have noticed that there are people out there who
seem to be able to eat what they like, as often as they want,
and never seem to put any great amount of weight on. These
people have energy by the bag-load, rarely display any signs of
sickness, and portray an image of confidence in everything they
do. By the same token, there are many people who starve
themselves at every given opportunity, have tried every diet
from Atkins to South Beach, yet still manage to pile on the
pounds. These people often suffer from frequent illness, almost
non-existent levels of energy, and an inherent lack of

The roots of people's eating behaviour can often be attributed
to their upbringing, and the system of eating taught to them by
their parents and family members. Wasn't it often the case that
you were told to finish all the food on your plate, as it was
rude to leave those morsels, lovingly prepared over a hot stove?
This way of thinking has caused many people to follow a path in
their eating habits, which has a detrimental effect on the way
their body handles food. We all know deep down that the portions
served in many restaurants and cafe's are way too much, but we
still do our level best to finish every last bit.

The only way out of this cycle is to re-train your body and mind
in they way they handle hunger and satisfaction. There are 3
simple steps you can take to improve your eating habits forever;
each will have its own benefits on your body, but when used
together, they can form the system for substantial weight loss
and increased levels of energy and self-esteem.

Step 1 - Eat when you're hungry

Your body is a finely tuned machine. It has benefited from many
centuries of evolution in dealing with the functions and rigors
of daily life. Your body will tell you when it needs fuel.
Firstly, learn to recognise when your body is telling you to
eat. Do not mistake this for other messages; sometimes,
dehydration can cause a feeling of hunger, so take a glass of
water whenever you feel those pangs, and wait half an hour. If
you're still hungry after those 30 minutes have passed, then
eat. This doesn't have to conform to your preconceptions of
mealtime. If it happens in mid-afternoon, then satisfy that
hunger. Even a small snack will often satisfy that craving.

Step 2 - Don't drink when eating

Drinking with meals has a confusing effect on the body. Alcohol,
whilst containing many hundreds of calories in itself, also
blurs your judgement. All of a sudden, those desserts look
great, and you couldn't possibly go without one. No amount of
regret will make up for those kinds of slip-ups. Only hard
exercise will rid you of your guilt! If you feel thirsty at
mealtimes, sip water. Don't fill up on liquids, as your hunger
will return sooner than it should.

Step 3 - When you're full, stop!

Eat slower. As well as increasing the metabolic rate of your
body, and its ability to digest food and burn as energy, this
also allows the satisfaction messages from your stomach to reach
your brain. Between mouthfuls, put your hands down to the sides
of your plate. Don't be tempted to put any more food on your
fork until you've slowly chewed and swallowed what you already
have. Don't rush to finish what's on your plate; when you're
full, you're body will have these pauses in eating to tell you
when it is so. As a by-product, you'll gain an improved sense of
taste, which will give you a better appreciation of food, and
reduce your desire for fatty and salty meals. You may even find
that some of your "favourite" foods, or guilty pleasure, begin
to taste bad. You shouldn't feel sorrow at this. Your body is
steering you to those foods which provide it witht he most
energy and wellness ingredients.

Try it today. In just a few weeks, you'll feel more energy, will
see improvement in your complexion and body shape. All this will
bring new levels of self-confidence your way. Good luck!

About the author:
Matt Hodkinson is a beneficiary of the nutrition advice he has
accumulated in 5 years of study. Check out more weight loss
articles at his site:

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Treadmill Workouts Can Be Fun

Exercise on a treadmill has long been thought of as boring and tedious, by beginners and experts alike. There are some changes you can make to your workout to really add a kick to walking in place. Below are four changes you can make to add fun to the time you exercise on a treadmill.

Speed up your workout. Run or walk comfortably for 10 minutes, then speed it up to 20 seconds per mile faster than a recent best. Run or walk at this pace for 3 minutes then recover at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes. Repeat three to five times then finish with a 10 minute comfortable pace.

Be progressive in your workout. After a warm up, set your pace to your fastest pace. Stick it out at that pace for 5 minutes then recover for 4 minutes. Speed back up for 3 minutes, recover for 2 minutes. Speed up again and add 20 seconds per mile for 1 minute. Finish off with 10 minutes at a comfortable pace. Each week in your progressive workout, add 20 seconds to your starting time.

Add some hills. After a warm up, set your pace to a comfortable one. Run or walk for 10 minutes or so at 0° incline. Change the elevation 1° for 2 minutes; elevate to 2° for 2 minutes, then return to 1° for 2 minutes. Working in 2 minute increments, gradually bump up your elevation in this pattern: 1-2-1-3-1-4-2-5-2-6-2-7. Finish with a 10 minute comfortable pace jog or walk.

Weight it out. While a few home treadmills come with resistance cords, you might find a better way to get some additional benefit from your workout is to walk or run with small dumbbells. Start with 1 pound, then progress to heavier weights. You can walk while punching straight out in front of you, do military presses and raise your arms straight out to the side with weights in hand to add an arm workout.

If these four don’t give you enough to get excited about, you can always walk backwards to give your calves a burn. A change here, a tweak there, and exercise on a treadmill doesn’t have to be dull any longer.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Trainer and Fitness Coach Finds Way to Maximize Performance

By: Brian Connors

Here's an article published within the July/August 2006 edition
of the Isagenix Insider:

Athletic trainer and fitness educator Tim "Coach" Powers,
featured in the July 2005 edition of Men's Journal, has
attracted numerous high-scale clients with his "whole-body
movement" approach to sports conditioning. These clients include
the U.S. Navy SEAL's and various athletes from the NFL, Major
League Baseball, NASCAR, and the U.S. Olympic Team. Along with
his training philosophy, Coach recommends Isagenix nutritional
products to help maximize performance.

Powers, who now directs fitness training at the Mauna Lani
Resort Sports and Fitness Club in Hawaii, says Isagenix products
give his clients the physical results expected from nutrition.
He believes quality nutrition is crucial for the creation of
"explosive energy" needed for his clients to get the maximum
amount of strength, speed and agility.

Isagenix's holistic approach, Powers explains, creates an upward
spiral of energy by cleansing the body internally and then
replenishing it with formulas that are "nutrient dense and make

"What got me interested was the cleansing," said Powers. "The
reason why body fat goes up is because of toxic material - so
you're getting something in your system that'll push these
pollutants out. It's out with the bad and in with the good."

Getting the Most From a Protein Shake

Powers is enthusiastic about the IsaLean shakes and soups,
saying they are far superior to "low-grade junk protein" shakes
and give athletes what they need to perform well. The Isagenix
meal replacements include whey protein, along with vitamins,
minerals, and enzymes.

"You can buy a 40-gram shake and only get 10 grams , but with
these ( Isalean ) shakes, you've almost 100 percent assimilation
because it has the catalysts to release the energy bound in
food," Powers says.

Isagenix's programs give the body a "thermogenic response" that
lasts, says Powers. "You add good stuff like Isagenix and you
create energy, then you create heat with exercise, then you'll
be hungry for more Isagenix, then you have more energy. That's a
winning system."

Coach says, "Train Like an Athlete"

Exercise should benefit the body as a whole, says Powers. He
explains that when the average person trains like an athlete
with a focus on whole-body movements, it enhances benefits.

"Athletic training teaches muscles and stabilizers to work
together and maximizes communication from brain to body," says
Powers. "This type of exercise is perfectly in line with
Isagenix's principles - it's a natural body resistance
conditioning system that produces an athletically trim and
aesthetically pleasing body."

( End of Article )

About the author:
Brian is an Independent Isagenix Associate who wishes to share
information about the successful use of Isagenix products within
the realm of sports training. Read other Athlete Success stories
and product information by going to .
Products may be ordered via website.

Friday, August 04, 2006

How To Bulk Up Fast - Without Getting Fat

By: Vince DelMonte

This is the simplest advice you can use to BULK UP FAST
without getting fat at the same time!

I used the same formula when I lived at home with my parents
and gained over 50 pounds of muscle mass over the course of a
year. My Mom was a tough negotiator and only agreed to shop for
my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Those three meals covered about
half of my caloric intake getting me close to 3000 calories each
day. My meal plan required a consumption of four to five
thousand calories so I was still a few dozen calories short from
new muscle growth.

If you are like me and work 8-12 hours a day than it is easy to
become apart of the 'Lame Blame Club' that defaults to the most
convenient excuses in the book. If you are trying to build more
muscle mass than you must have a easy strategy to get in those
extra 1000-2000 precious calories that you are missing.

The 'See' Food Diet Is Not The Answer

Too bad it's not as easy as picking up a box of five dollar
pizza or four cheeseburgers on your way home from work to make
up those extra calories. Actually, it is that easy, if you
believe that a calorie is a calorie.

If building muscle was as easy as stuffing 8,000 calories of
pizza, fries and burgers than I don't think anybody on this
planet would have a problem gaining huge muscles! The extra
calories I am going to recommend are based on clean calories.
These extra calories are for the guys who want to build slabs of
new muscle without a fat gut, love handles and a double chin!

Most mass diets wreak havoc on your health because they are
based on unclean calories. Sure you climb the scale quickly but
you also run the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and
hundreds of others health risks associated with poor diet. Will
your time in the gym offset these health problems associated
with carrying too much fat? A little, but not much, and not in
the long run.

Right now your body needs a certain number of calories to
grow. Let me ask you a simple question. Are you as muscular as
you want to be right now?

Yes. Than keep doing what you are doing!

No. Than most likely your body needs a strategy to ingest an
extra 1000-2000 calories per day. How are you going to do that?

Store Bought Weight Gainer Shakes Are Not The Answer

Most guys resort to weight gain shakes. The weight gain shakes
at health food stores are usually made with very poor protein
quality and loads of sugar. Not good, but the idea of a weight
gainer shake is an excellent one. Liquid-calories are easy to
consume and ideal for in between meal feeding. But you got to
make your own unless you want to look like a pregnant power

The Home Made Weight Gainer Is The Answer! Here's what
you will need:

Three-four large 1 L water bottles

A blender

Couple bags of frozen berries from Costco

A tub of natural peanut butter

A tub of protein powder

A few bags of low fat milk

10 minutes of your day

No, you are not mixing all these ingredients exactly but you
can mix the following:

1-3 cups of low fat milk - 300 calories

1-2 cups of mixed berries - 200 calories

40-60 grams of protein powder - 160-240 calories

1-2 tbsp of natural peanut butter - 200 calories

As you can see, this adds up quickly to over 800 clean calories
and they are all healthy foods. You will notice that these
shakes have no junk sugars and no 'bad' fats. So for all those
whiners who complain that they can't get enough food each day -
throw that excuse out the window. You now have a solution.

If calorie counting is not your thing than simply monitor the
number of cups, scoops and tbsp. I would suggest starting with
portion sizes of 1 for everything while the 40-60 grams of
protein always is consistent i.e. 1 cup, 1 scoop and and 1 tbsp
of the above ingredients and than build to two and and three
where recommended.

Your Are In Complete Control Of How Big You Get

These shakes are completely flexible and you are in control of
how much weight you gain and at which rate. Don't be surprised
if the volume of the these shakes make you part with your wash
board abs and result in canceling your Calvin Klein photo
shoots. Throw a couple of these shakes into your daily meal plan
and you'll fill that gap towards new muscle growth. No drive
through required!

Remember, the title of this article was how to bulk up fast,
not how to stay lean all year. I believe that bulking up is the
most effective way to gain mass muscle. Taking the stay lean all
year approach might help you build 5 pounds of muscle a year if
your lucky but taking the bulk up like you mean it will help you
skyrocket 20-30 pound or more and actually make you look like
someone who lifts weights! Which one do you want?

About the author:
NoneVince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building:
Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at http://www.VinceDelMo

He specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle
and gain weight quickly
without drugs, supplements and trai

Monday, July 31, 2006

How to Choose the Best Men's and Women's Running Shoes

By: Niki Aubertin

One of the best ways to feel good about exercise is to have good
running shoes. When buying comfortable women's and men's
footwear, know that the highest priced shoes does not always
have 'the' most durable cushioning. You may find something that
meets your needs in a discount section. Also consider the level
of flexibility and stability you'll need. These are important
factors to consider while choosing the best running shoes to
meet your needs.

Before buying, be aware that some men's and women's models may
appear to look the same as your present pair or look a lot like
last year's discount model. Manufacturers do make changes. It
may not be visually obvious in a picture or even when you see
them. Take a good look and you may be able to see the fabric is
different, something in the structure has changed or if you were
to cut the bottom of the running shoe, you may find some changes
done on the inside of the sole or a change in the fabric or in
it's density. The name or general appearance may look the same.
The goal is to make you more comfortable.

Look over the entire page, get familiar with the latest models
and prices before buying. Consider checking the men's and
women's discount pages as well. We do like to keep our runners
for an usuallly long amount of time, compared to how long we
tend to keep other shoes. Once we've broken in our favorite
running shoes, they occasionally become a better friend than our
favorite old slippers. Think about it, most of the time when we
think of an old comfortable shoe these days, and chances are
good that it's a favorite running shoe.

About the author:
Niki Aubertin is the creative writer for and is a successful business

Sunday, July 30, 2006

You Should Make Walking An Every Day Priority

By: Yvonne Volante

No one needs to be reminded that the fitness craze has arrived
in full bloom and hints to us that it's not going away anytime

For the more, shall we say, "leisurely" type of person, this can
cause a lot of guilt. "I'm going to start walking -- next week."
"How hard can it be to just walk for 30 minutes? I can do that.
I just haven't had time." We've all heard (and sometimes used)
one of these excuses.

The one reason people don't do what they don't absolutely have
to do is simple: They don't want to, and they don't have to. We
grow up learning that death and taxes are the only two
inevitables. Now they want us to exercise?

Exercise is thought of by many people as a forced kind of event,
and walking hovers near the top of the list in the "boring"
category. "I don't want to just WALK! What's the point, where's
the destination?" we ask.

Well, just like everything else, there are loopholes here
aplenty; it's up to the individual to make something so
intolerably "boring" pretty interesting. It's also imperative to
your health that you rethink that statement and re-prioritize
your life.

Just think of it this way: Do you place a high enough priority
on yourself and your well-being? It never hurts to remind
yourself of the health benefits you'd gain by walking regularly.
It's true -- you will not notice these long-term benefits right
away, you will notice these things: You'll have more energy.
You'll sleep better. You'll be fitter. And you'll be happier.

Still not enough? OK. On those days you really can't seem to set
aside a half hour for a walk, you CAN walk. Find shorter
segments of time where walking naturally fits into your
schedule. If you're used to driving everywhere, this may take a
little rethinking. But consider this: If you have a short errand
to do, a meeting to attend, or a child to pick up, walk. If
you're headed to see a movie, to worship, to a game, walk.
Although it may take a few minutes longer than normal, remind
yourself of your efficient use of time: you're actually
accomplishing several things at once. (This is a mental trick,
but it works.)

Look, if our ancestors survived the Ice Age, it won't kill you
to walk in the rain. In our age of climate control and central
air, we like our environment to remain comfortable at all times.
But, come on, how "boring" is that?

Another trick is to think of walking as a basic human need, like
sleep, shelter, and food. Then, after you complete your 30
minutes, reward yourself with any of the other three needs. Walk
back home and go in the kitchen.

The key is to never demand too much from yourself. So what if
the dishes aren't done? Do them later. You'll live longer and
more healthfully if you walk instead of do the dishes! And
doctors don't prescribe doing the laundry a certain amount of
times during the week. These are the "blocks" you put in front
of yourself that keep you from walking.

It certainly isn't easy to change our priorities in today's
hectic world, but it's harder to begin "getting healthy" when
it's a little too late -- and the house is spotless.

About the author:
Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of walking and fitness and
writes for, which is the premier walking
resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Eating Healthy On Vacation

With vacation season in full swing, here's a few
tips to cope with eating on the road. Sometimes
you can return from your trip feeling worse after
a week or so of poor nutrition.

It can be very tempting to abandon your good sense
of healthy eating on vacation. Although you may
strive for healthy eating, it's easy to drift off
and grab an ice cream cone here and there. There
are however, ways to watch what you eat on

It's easier than ever these days to request a low
fat or vegetarian meal on airplane flights. If
you choose to instead drive to your destination,
the quest to find healthy food can get a bit more

Rather than simply relying on greasy foods for
nutrition, pack some nutritious foods in a cooler
full of ice packs. Fruits and vegetables, crackers,
yogurt, and sandwiches are all great to have with
you on the road.

Once you arrive at your hotel, you should do
yourself a favor and turn the minibar key down - as
this helps to avoid the temptation. If your hotel
offers a continental breakfast, stick to fruits,
cereals, and proteins. If your hotel has a stove
or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy
food with you.

If you simply must eat out, do so only when you
are hungry. Restaurants will usually serve large
portions, so be careful. If you do go a bit over
on a meal, simply cut back on the next.

If you find it hard to fit in three square meals
a day, try to fit in six smaller meals or snacks,
as your body needs fuel every four hours or so.
When you eat out, avoid appetizers. Whatever you
do, do not miss any meals.

When it's possible, you should avoid eating large
meals at night. When your body gets ready for
sleep and slows down, it also burns calories at a
much slower pace. Never eat bread before bed, and
make sure to avoid the butter. Choose fish or
poultry for your meal instead, and include
vegetables as a side dish.

Even though it may sound hard, eating healthy on
vacation isn't really that difficult. All you have
to do is use a little will power, and pass up
foods that you know aren't good for you. This
way, you'll enjoy healthy eating and a healthy
lifestyle wherever you go.

The next time you go on a vacation, always remember
that eating healthy is a way of life. You can
afford to get something you crave, although you
shouldn't make a habit of it. One ice cream
cone or a pizza isn't going to matter - as long as
you know when to stop.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Balanced Training Program

By: Brian Carson

Long time trainer Bob Whelan has always been an advocate of what
is known as balanced training and that's what will be designing
a program for in this post.

This type of workout is training the whole body in a balanced
way - which consists of an equal amount of pushing and pulling
movements, coupled with compound lower body movements, with an
emphasis on total body development.

For balanced training, you want to incorporate horizontal and
vertical push movements as well as horizontal and vertical
pulling movements. Examples of vertical pushing would be barbell
or dumbbell presses. Vertical pulling exercises would consist of
chin-ups, pull-ups or pulldowns. Horizontal pushing would be
bench presses with barbell or dumbbells and horizontal pulling
movements would be rows with dumbbells or barbell.

Below is an example balanced training program:

Balanced Training Program

Day One: Bench Press 2 x 6-12 Rows 2 x 6-12 Squats 1 x 12-20 Ab
Work 2 x 12-25

Day Two: Overhead Press 2 x 6-12 Chin-ups or Pulldowns 2 x 6-12
Deadlifts 1 x 12-20 Ab Work 2 x 12-25

Notes: Workout twice a week with horizontal movements on day one
and vertical movements on day two. Leg and ab work will be in
both workouts. You can tailor this to whatever set and rep range
you want. You could also add a finisher like Farmer's Walks or
sandbag carry to complete the routine. You could also do one set
to failure for each exercise if you so choose. Feel free to make
adjustments to suit your needs.

Understand that to be successful in any weight training program
- hard work is a must! Half-hearted effort does nothing for you.
If you're new to weight training or grossly out of shape,
consult a physician first. End of disclaimer.

About the author:
Brian Carson is a writer and workout enthusiast who writes and
edits the Workout Routine blog, the site devoted to workout
routines by bodybuilders, powerlifters, strength trainers and
strongmen from the past to the present.Visit us at

The Best Weight Loss Program - Does It Really Exist?

By: Alexander Grigor

Deciding on the best weight loss program for you can be
confusing. You need a healthy weight loss program that will
allow you to lose weight safely, but there are so many diets out
there today; it's hard to know what the best one really is! It's
no wonder that time after time, your diet fails and you're right
back where you started, or worse, you put on extra pounds. Each
new diet is advertised as the best out there, but they don't put
the emphasis where it should be - on a healthy weight loss
program that lets you lose weight safely.

Why do so many diets fail? Why is it so hard to find the best
weight loss program that will help you lose all the weight you
want? The answer is simple - diets fail because they're too
restrictive. We need to eat a variety of foods to survive. When
you break a diet, that's your body's way of telling you to take
care of yourself!

The best weight loss program isn't a crash diet. It's not one of
those diets where you deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
The best weight loss program won't make you feel hungry all the
time. It is one of those diets where you still get to eat your
favorite foods. It will let you eat enough that you don't feel
hungry every minute you're awake. The best one is the one that
allows you to lose weight safely.

That's what it comes down to - the best weight loss program is a
healthy weight loss program. It doesn't cause you to lose weight
too quickly, and it allows your body to get all the nutrients it
needs, so that you don't feel hungry all the time. It is one
where you don't feel like you're even on a diet!

So - what is a healthy weight loss program? One where you can
lose weight safely and naturally? Does it even exist? It sure
does. And it is really simple. There are no gimmicks, no fad
foods, and you don't have to spend hours a day in the gym. If
you want to lose weight safely, the best weight loss program is
simply a combination of eating a balanced diet, portion control,
and exercise.

Why is it the best? Because it's healthy and will let you lose
weight safely, at a moderate pace. Losing a lot of weight very
quickly isn't good for your body, and when you lose weight too
quickly, you're more likely to gain it back. On the best weight
loss program you still get to eat your favorite foods, so you're
not depriving yourself of anything. Fad diets tell you what to
eat and when to eat it. The best weight loss program is the one
that lets you eat when you're hungry, because starving yourself
makes you more likely to overeat. By adding some gentle
exercise, such as walking, you'll feel healthier and burn extra

That's the best weight loss program. It's a healthy one, and you
can lose weight safely. No special exercise equipment to buy and
you don't have to starve yourself!

About the author:
Alexander Grigor is an author of the unique Christian-based
natural weight loss system called "WOW! Program". Visit his web
site at to find out
how you can use a mighty power of Faith combined with healing
gymnastics to get rid of excess weight and keep it off.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fitness Training to keep in Shape and Fit

By: Peter Salis

People all over the world are becoming more and more health
conscious, the priority has been shifting from everything else
to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep
oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. Keeping fit,
means capturing the days of youth and all the fun of those days
alive. Man can give up everything for the sake of keeping
himself young. In spite of all the kinds of treatments that have
been flourishing the market, the people have not been driven
crazy, they still trust the basic natural way of keeping in
shape, i.e., by exercising regularly and maintaining a working
routine. It is very necessary to go for a complete fitness
training, which takes care of all the aspects of making a fit
body, beginning from making note about the right kind of diet
and right kind of exercises which suits the physical conditions
of the body.

The several benefits that are derived from the regular physical
fitness workouts. Workout chalked out in correspondence to the
physical needs of the body, if observed regularly, may help the
body get into the desired shape and develop resistance power in
the body. The major benefits derived from fitness training
programs are bringing down the weight of the bulky body to right
proportion, increases the resistance power in the body which
results in decreasing the risks of getting attacked by diseases,
helps in cutting down the fat from the body and finally gives
the body a toned shape. Not only these, but also helps in
frequently getting caught in depressions, cures insomnia by
helping enhance the sleeping routine, releases positive vibes in
the body and thus increases self-esteem and apart from these
also gives more energy and stamina to the body.

Fitness training also helps in increasing the metabolism of the
body, which means more muscles using more calories in body. The
training helps increase fit muscles in body, by burning the
calories. After the body grows senile, the body loses its
muscles and the metabolism of the body slows down gradually,
which means the calories of the body is not burnt and get
concentrated which results in increasing the weight of the body.
So to keep the metabolism from slowing down and not letting the
fat concentrate in the body one can opt for some fitness
training and take some aerobic activities. Taking exercises not
only helps one maintain a strong and toned look from outside but
also helps in keeping the mental peace and content. It also
helps in reducing symptoms of menopause, cardiac diseases and
keeps the level of cholesterol in control. And in all it gives
the body a much toned shape, which not only looks strong but is
stronger than what it looks like.

About the author: Peter Salis writes on fitness workout related
topics. To access more information on fitness workout, please
visit us here at http://www.fitnes

About the author:
Peter Salis writes about fitness realted topics. To access more
information on fitness workout visit us here .

Tips For Realistically Losing Weight

By: Zachary Thompson

Obesity is a life threatening condition and is spreading at an
alarming rate throughout Western society. It is particularly
prevalent in the USA. However there are some steps you can take
to reduce your weight and improve your health and lifestyle.

Reducing calorie intake:

What are calories? A calorie is a unit used to measure energy.
It is required by most governments to print the calorie value of
foods on the nutrition label of all foods that are sold to
consumers. Because if this it is easier to calculate your
calorie intake. Reducing calories means not just cutting food
intake but being careful of the actual caloric value of the
foods you are eating.

Reduction but not eliminating fats and oils: fat and oil is
necessary for the body but we often eat foods which are too high
in fats thus taking in more fat and oil than we need to. When
you cut down fat and oil you will reduce calories and definitely
manage to lose those pounds.

Decrease but do not eliminate carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are
necessary to the body but we often eat too much of this class of
food resulting in the body storing these foods as fat. When you
cut down carbohydrates you will reduce your weight.

Increase your protein levels: It is often good to eat foods that
are high in proteins as they are not as fattening as other
foods. High protein foods are good to eat when you are reducing
weight to prevent any muscle loss occurring as you shed those

Eat more fruits and vegetables: These are good for providing
nutrients to the body and are low in calories. They are a good
alternative to "junk food" snacks. They will also increase fiber
in your diet.

Reduction in sugar and sodium. Sugar is readily broken dawn by
the body into energy and excess stored as fat making it a
fattening food. Sodium eaten in excess can contribute to water
retention by the body and prevent weight loss.

Increasing fiber in your diet: this will help you to curb hunger
pangs as fiber rich foods will help you feel full as they take
longer to digest. Your digestive system will work better with an
increase in fiber.Whole grain foods, unrefined foods, fruits and
vegetables will give you more fiber.

Increase your fluid intake: Drink more pure water especially.
This will help to improve your health and fill you up.

Increase exercise: Regular exercise will help you reduce weight
and build muscle instead of storing fat. You can either work out
for about 20 minutes 3 times a week or take a brisk daily walk.

When you use these steps you will reduce your weight. You will
not achieve a super figure in one day but when you keep up a
healthy diet you will lose weight steadily. Maintaining a
healthy diet with regular exercise will ensure that you not only
reduce but will keep the weight off. You will feel healthier and
have more energy to do the things you really want to do in life.

About the author:
Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range
from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children
with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can help
you, visit Buy
Glyconutrients Product

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Eating For A Healthy Life

By: Ken Snodin

Few people have given any thought to what their nutritional
needs are or how important nutrition is to their overall health.
They don't know that, for example, if the human brain doesn't
get enough protein, it won't develop correctly, or that if a
female body doesn't get enough of certain nutritional substances
like flax oil, the metabolism will be impaired, and the body
will gain weight.

This information highlights and emphasizes the critical
importance of determining what our needs are and meeting our
nutritional needs through good eating habits.

Experts in the media often remind us to take our vitamins and to
eat fortified cereals and to drink out milk, but what we really
need is information about how our eating habits and the foods we
eat contribute to nutrition on a daily basis. We must learn how
to provide our bodies with everything they need - food,
vitamins, minerals - to maintain optimal health.

In order to determine our basic nutritional needs, we need to
educate ourselves about what, exactly, our individual needs are.
Then we can use that knowledge and apply it to buying,
preparing, and eating appropriate foods. We need to recognize
that our nutritional requirements change as we age; the
nutritional needs of a teenager are different from those of a
senior citizen.

In many cases, what we need in terms of vitamins and minerals is
much more critical than our need for calories. If it is
necessary, we can take vitamin and mineral supplements, which
are manufactured by nutrition firms, to help us fill the gap
that may exist if we don't get enough of these substances in our
daily diet.

Nutrition is an extremely complicated subject because there are
so many variables to consider. As mentioned before, it is a fact
that our bodies change as we age, and we will need to adapt our
eating habits and nutritional foods accordingly. Additionally,
the nutritional needs of people with illnesses are different
from those of healthy individuals. Few doctors recognize this
fact, however, and may provide the same nutrition advice to
health pregnant women as to an ailing cancer patient.

To remain healthy and to sustain the optimal health and
functioning of our bodies, we must pay close attention to our
unique nutritional needs. And we must pursue more knowledge
concerning how nutrition, physical exercise, and mental and
emotional factors influence our overall health status.

About the author:
Read more about food and nutrition by visiting

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Protein Shake Supplements

We mentioned using whey or soy protein in our article on power shakes a few weeks ago. What you might have found is that the stuff costs a fortune in your local health food store. Here's an online health food store that offers big discounts. Check it out.

Fitness Storefront Protein

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Why You Should Invest in a Home Gym

By: Nazima Golamaully

Daily exercise is as important for our physical well being as it
is important for our mental strength; we are strong and
confident only when we are healthy. Just like we need a balanced
diet everyday, in the same way we need daily all round exercise.
Just like we take some time in appreciating healthy foods, the
same way it is a challenge to develop a habit of daily workouts.
Finding a time slot everyday for workouts is not that
problematic for most of us. But in the face of modern day busy
schedules that most of us have to keep, going to the gym
everyday to do some exercise sounds too exorbitant and the
thought almost robs us of our motivation for developing a
regular fitness regime. The home gym manufacturing companies can
read the minds of people like us who know the worth of exercise,
yet are too hard pressed for time to rush over to a gym to take
up daily fitness training.

The commitments of modern lifestyles keep us away from a daily
fitness regime. With a home gym at your disposal, you not only
save on the time of going back and forth to the gym, you can
also customize your time according to your convenience.

From a woman's perspective, I find a home gym extremely helpful.
For the working mother with heavy professional and household
commitments it becomes nearly impossible to find out a suitable
time for going to the gym for a workout or even taking a stroll
outside home. For these women, unbecoming weight gains become
the cause of depression and stress. But with a home gym, working
out becomes a family affair. With the children around, the
parents can spend some quality time at the end of the day with
their kids while working on the home gym. Thus the mother is not
in a hurry to get back home to take care of her little baby. The
gym is there at her home and she can take up some exercise,
whenever she can find some time for herself.

A home gym is versatile, yet space saving. It is a total fitness
solution allowing you to take up a number of exercises as in a
traditional gym. Only you do not have to worry about the time
and accessibility over particular equipment. At home your gym is
always there waiting for you. Put on clothes you feel most
comfortable in and switch on to one of your favorite music
channels and concentrate on your work out. You will definitely
get the body to turn others green with envy.

If you are hesitating over the cost factor, just think of the
subscriptions you have to pay every month to your health club.
It is a cumulative expense; whereas a home gym involves a one
time investment. Just think of it... in return for this little
one time upfront cost you get a healthy family and a healthy
family is a happy family which cannot be measured in terms of

There are many brands of home gyms available these days in the
market, just do some research and buy the one that suits your
budget and lifestyle.

About the author:
For a comprehensive guide to choosing, buying, setting up, using
and maintaining your own home gym visit Complete Home Gym at

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Obesity Epidemic

The media is claiming that Americans face an "obesity epidemic". This is the latest buzzword and, of course, every government politician and expert is hovering over it. Talking heads on television are debating proposed solutions vigorously. Lately there has even been talk of regulating restaurants and fast food joints.

There is no "obesity epidemic". The problem is just a lack of physical activity. Ironically, the media is a big part of the blame for this by providing passive entertainment and flooding ads constantly for food.

People are responsible for their own health and regulating food providers is hardly the answer.

We are the victims of our own success. We've eliminated physical labor in our jobs to such a degree that a vast majority of people expend little energy at all for an 8 hour shift.

Technology has produced vast quantities of cheap foodstuffs so there is little incentive to eat frugally.

Television drugs the mind into sitting passively for hours instead of getting out and actually doing something to expend some energy.

What we have is an epidemic of abundance. That's a good thing. Now count your blessings and find your entertainment by spending time to improve your body and mind.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fast Food Tips

Fast food is a lot of things.

It is fast, convenient, and fun, but can it be healthy?

Are too many 'Happy Meals' the reason that more kids today are overweight?

The rise in families substituting a trip to McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. for a family meal at home is likely one of the causes for the increase in overweight kids, but it is not the only cause. Other factors are also to blame, including an increased time watching TV and playing video games, decreased time in physical activity and unhealthy food choices.

An unhealthy food choices don't end at home, where kids may eat too many high fat and high calorie foods and snacks and sugary drinks.

The choices you make when eating fast food can also determine how healthy or 'unhealthy' it is.

How can you make fast food healthy?

One of the easiest ways is to just watch your portion sizes and understand how many calories and how much fat you add to a meal when you 'super-size' your order. It might seem like a good 'value' to go with the special or large meal sizes, but think about what those extra calories will cost you later as your child tries to burn them off to lose weight.

Healthy Choices

In addition to choosing smaller portion sizes, checking the menu at your favorite fast food restaurant will likely help you find other low calorie low fat alternatives to traditional fast foods that really are healthy. These might include a salad, baked potato, or grilled chicken salad.

With other types of fast food, like pizza, choose a thin crust cheese pizza and avoid adding a lot of cheese or extra meat toppings.

It can also help your child eat more healthy if you avoid 'fast food' at more traditional restaurants that you visit. It seems like almost every restaurant, whether it is Italian, Chinese, Mexican, etc. has a kids' menu with high fat and high calorie foods, like chicken nuggets, french fries, etc.

Instead of always relying on the kid's menu, consider getting a 1/2 order or child plate of a more traditional and healthier item at the restaurant.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Body Building Supplements-What Do You Need?

Whether you mix up your own body building supplement, or buy one off the shelf, you need to have a decent ratio of protein, carbos and fat in the mix. Protein for muscles, carbos for energy, and fat to balance it out. Check the ingredients on any premade supplement and be sure there is a balance of all three.
If you're making your own, I usually use some combination of the following:
Protein: whey, soy, yogurt
Carbos: fresh or frozen fruit and/or vegetables
Fats: coconut milk, flax oil, canola oil

The fats I use in my body building shake have some unique properties. Coconut milk is a medium chain tryglyceride, which means it is used more as energy. Flax and canola are high in omega 3 fatty acids which helps to balance the omega 6 fats that experts say we ingest too much of.

Mix and match these ingredients and see if you come up with a few that taste good to you. After all, if it isn't good you won't stick to the plan.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Body Building Supplements

For convenience, body building supplements are great for adding calories and fuel to your workout routine. The best thing to use is whey protein powder mixed into a shake. This is a proven and time tested method that gets good results for most people. Any decent name brand product will do.

What about all the other products such as selected amino acids, vitamins, herbs, etc.? Some are added to protein products already or you can take them individually but the best thing in my opinion is to add some fresh fruits and/or vegetables to your protein shake. This provides a real food boost and comes with all the natural phytochemicals inherent in those foods.

Here's an example of a shake/smoothie in which you can add or extract ingredients as you see fit:

grape juice
whey protein powder
romaine lettuce leaves
1-2 ounces coconut milk
blend up good adding lettuce as you go

This is a perfect body building supplement as it combines engineered modern products with whole foods. It contains roughly 400 calories and will refuel you before or after a workout. You may discover a bunch of favorite shakes if you experiment with different fruits and veggies. Feel free to post comments on your favorite variations.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Look Younger Now

By: Christopher Guerriero

Each of us yearns to maintain our youthful appearance, energy
and good health free from disease and sickness. We look for help
from the "discoveries of science" and "breakthrough drugs" or
"elixirs" full of promise. While we have made significant
progress in our understanding of the human body and of life,
still we find that the vital health and youthfulness we're
looking for is somewhat elusive. What we scientists have
ultimately come to recognize is that the "Fountain of Youth"
lies "naturally" within each of us.

As we take a look at nature and the lifestyles of earlier
cultures, we do not find the problems of disease, sickness or
excess weight that occur in our modern society. This should
prompt us to see what these cultures are doing that has proven
to work throughout time. For example, I try to live a more
natural lifestyle in regards to diet (loads of raw vegetables),
activity and exercise, environment, and pure distilled water. I
incorporate each of these as much as possible, though not
perfectly. Nevertheless, the result is a better quality of life
largely free from sickness and disease.

Our SAD (Standard American Diet) of today unfortunately consists
of highly processed "foods" that starve the body of nutrition
and create difficulties for the digestive system, which results
in colon problems. It's known in the natural health industry
that over 90% of all human diseases and sickness are from a
congested (constipated) colon. This also accelerates the aging
process. Modern science hasn't and won't find a break-through
drug that will restore your health. But they don't need to. The
solution simply is a more natural lifestyle involving the
integration of corrective and preventative measures over time.
Let me mention a few here.

One corrective measure is to cleanse and detoxify the body to
get rid of some of the causes of disease and sickness. This can
be done by:

Drinking adequate amounts of pure distilled water.

Stimulate the digestive track by reflexology massage on the sole
of the feet every other day. Reflexology charts are available in
health stores or online.

Stimulation of the elimination process. There are several great
ways to do this, but the easiest is to simply eat a large green
salad (full of fresh, raw, preferably organic vegetables) with
each of your meals throughout the day. Consuming 3 - 5 salads
per day not only helps you look younger, but it also adds years
to your life, gives you energy, and helps you lose excess body
weight - fast.

If your day is too busy to eat enough raw vegetables each and
every day - then simply find yourself a high quality vegetable

Some youth enhancing measures can involve the following:

Start today to migrate your diet from processed and refined
devitalized "foods" to whole, raw, organic foods that are full
of nutrition and are easily digested.

Increase physical activity and enjoy nature with regular outdoor
activities, or by integrating an exercise program, etc.

Take time outdoors each day to breath deeply clean, fresh air.

Be happy, smile often, and laugh daily. Sounds too easy, but
eliminating stress is proven to increase health.

Nature has everything to offer if you are willing to indulge.
Start today to make these suggestions a part of your new
lifestyle. Enjoy good health and long life and find the true
fountain of youth within yourself!

About the author:
Christopher Guerriero is the founder of the National Metabolic &
Longevity Research Center and a best-selling author, speaker,
and coach to millions. He is creator of the award-winning
'Maximize Your Metabolism' system. To learn more about this
step-by-step program, and to sign up for FREE how-to articles
and FREE teleseminars, visit: Maximize Your

Thursday, May 11, 2006

10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism

By: Karen Sessions

Copyright 2006 Karen Sessions

Are you sluggish and low on energy? Do you feel like you work
and work toward your weight loss goal and never seem to make any
dramatic improvement?

You could be suffering from a slow metabolism. Even though you
may have a slow metabolism, it does not have to destroy your
weight loss efforts. You can dramatically improve your
metabolism, and boost your energy levels without taking

Your metabolism simply refers to the conversion of food to
usable energy by the body. It is the biological process, by
which energy is extracted from food, and the net result is how
fast or slowly the body burns those calories.

A few steps you can take to improve your metabolism naturally

Drink Water - Water is great to drink and you should be drinking
a minimum of 8 to 10, glasses daily, of course, more is better.
It will help increase your metabolism and flush out sodium,
toxins, and fat. Drinking water before meals will fill your
stomach so you feel full and prevent overeating. Avoid excess
colas, coffee, teas, and sugary juices. Caffeine will dehydrate
you, and the sugar will do more damage than good in the long-run.

Eat Every Three Hours - Eat a small balanced meal every three
hours, including snacks. Meals and snacks should be balanced,
meaning they should contain a complete protein, carbohydrates,
as well as natural fat. Failure to eat consistently can lead to
a slower metabolism and fat storage. Also, skipping meals slows
down your metabolism. To ignite fat loss you need to be
consuming the right foods in a balanced manner throughout the

Don't Skip Breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of
the day because it gets your metabolism running in high gear.
You wouldn't drive your car to work on an empty tank, and you
shouldn't start your day without adequate nourishment. Your
first meal sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going,
as long as you eat every three hours. If you get up early and
eat a late breakfast, you miss out on several hours of burning

Don't Fear Fat - Fat has developed a bad reputation. Many people
think fat makes you fat. This is false. The type of fat and how
much fat you eat impacts your body fat composition. Fat is
needed by the body. Those who follow a very low-fat diet have a
harder time ridding their body of fat. Choose natural healthy
fats such as olive oil, avocados, various nuts, flax, and
natural peanut butter to receive your necessary fats.

Omit Trans Fat - Trans fat is the bad fat, the cause of weight
gain, low energy, depression, cancer, and heart disease. You
will never get the body you desire by eating "healthy" fast
food, frozen dinners, and other processed choices. If it's
man-made, it's not the best choice, and will halt fat loss
endeavors. Eat the foods Mother Nature has provided to meet your
fat loss goals.

Be Active Daily - Stay active at least six days a week. Take the
stairs when possible or park further out to get that little bit
of extra movement to keep the heart and lungs working optimally.
The more movement you get daily, the better you will feel

Do Cardiovascular Exercise - Cardio exercise is necessary for
heart and lung health. It also burns calories. Doing cardio
first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can tap into fat
stores, and keep your body burning calories at a high rate for
about an hour after cardio is finished. If you fail to eat
adequately daily, first morning cardio on an empty stomach can
work against you. Doing morning cardio on very low calorie diet
can burn muscle. Another good time to incorporate cardio is in
the evening after your last meal. This allows you to burn
calories so you are not sleeping on them. You do not have to
implement a morning and evening session, choose one or the other
or cycle between the two to prevent staleness and boredom.

HIIT It - Blend some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
into your cardiovascular program from time to time to give your
body and metabolism a good shock. The body is programmed for
adaptation. Therefore, doing the same cardio format day in and
day out can become stale really fast. Take one or two days a
week and implement some HIIT to give the body an added shock.

HIIT is basically alternating low intensity and moderate to high
intensity cardio training. For example, a 20 minute HIIT session
would look similar to this:

Minute 1 and 2 - Low Intensity (Walking) Minute 3 and 4 - High
Intensity (Light jogging or running) Minute 5 and 6 - Low
Intensity Minute 7 and 8 - High Intensity and so on...

Weight Train - Resistance training builds muscle, which is
metabolically active tissue. The more muscle you acquire, the
faster your metabolism will be. Adding more lean muscle tissue
to your body will put curves in the right places and allow you
to eat more calories a day.

Listen to Your Body - Killing yourself with workouts is just as
dangerous as not working out at all. Listen to your body and get
proper rest. Don't train if you are ill, still sore from the
previous workout, or just simply too tired. Training in such a
state can cause more problems than it solves.

If any of the above fails to prove results in 4 to 6 weeks,
there could be an underlying problem, such as a food allergy,
sluggish thyroid, hormonal imbalance, toxins, parasites, etc. If
so, I recommend searching for a natural healer in your area to
determine the cause. and work from there. For the most part,
proper diet, detoxifying, and herbs can correct any ailments.

About the author:
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She
is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal
training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and
has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction

Author: Martin Harshberger

Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction

Weight Loss And Fitness

The world of weight loss and fitness is certainly vast, and the
American consumer can absolutely get lost in the thousands of
easy effortless and ostly useless ads if not careful. With my
books and research I want to clear the air about the various
myths and false statements regarding our health and fitness that
have clearly muddied the waters for many Americans.

What I want to stress in particular is that there is no magic
answer, potion, or diet pill that is going to make everything
better. The ad on TV where the pretty lady says "it's easy.
you'll love it", is appealing to our need for instant
gratification with no effort. We don't want to hear the facts so
we continue to look for the instant solution. If there was a
magic diet pill, or diet plan, over 60% of Americans wouldn't be
overweight, in spite of spending over $35 billion annually on
diet products.

Achieving weight loss and fitness requires a commitment on your
part to strive for a healthier you. What you will get in return
for all of your hard work and dedication is a fit body, a
renewed clarity of mind, better quality sleep, and perhaps even
a pronounced increase in your libido. I have found that through
the positive changes I have made in my own life regarding weight
loss and fitness, all areas of my life are exponentially better.
I wake up energized, I feel excited about my day and my
interactions with people, my body feels strong and capable, and
my entire outlook on life has improved significantly.

The Weight Loss and Fitness Commitment show that claims that
teach you shortcuts on how to drop 30 pounds in 30 days are
improbable at best and unhelathy at worst.

That claim is water loss pure and simple. You do the math: 1
pound of fat = about 3500 calories 30 pounds of fat = 105,000
calories. To lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days you would need to
reduce caloric intake by about 105,000 calories or about 3500
per day. If you are eating 3,000 calories a day now, that might
be tough. OK you say I'll exercise it off. 1 hour on a
stationary bicycle running at an average over 20 miles an hour
burns about 400 calories. Meaning to burn 3,500 calories a day
on the bike, you'd need to ride it for about 9 hours.

If you are looking for a quick fix, you will continue to be
frustrated about health and fitness.

However, if you are tired of feeling fatigued and know for sure
that you are ready to make a solid commitment to your own health
and mind, Living to Be Younger can act as a guide. It is my hope
that you will read each page with an open mind and a willingness
to make some changes that will enable you to break out of your

First, lose the idea that there is a magic diet pill or
supplement that will transform your body to a svelte shape.
Losing weight requires that you expend more calories than you
ingest--plain and simple. This means that you must get up and
moving at least three to five days per week, for at least 30
minutes each session. If you were considerably overweight, it
would be ideal to aim for at least five workout sessions per
week. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any
new exercise plan. Second, take a good look at what you are
putting in your mouth on a daily basis. Aim for natural foods
that are high in vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and
complex carbohydrates. Limit your intake of foods high in
saturated fats, sodium, refined sugars, and preservatives. When
you take the Living to Be Younger Challenge, you will find that
your zest for life isn't gone--it's just been hiding.
Congratulations on taking this first step towards a healthier

About the author:
Real nutrition, fitness and weight loss information for real
people. Learn how our everyday living environment impacts our
health and wellness. Click on the link to learn more: