Monday, June 05, 2006

The Obesity Epidemic

The media is claiming that Americans face an "obesity epidemic". This is the latest buzzword and, of course, every government politician and expert is hovering over it. Talking heads on television are debating proposed solutions vigorously. Lately there has even been talk of regulating restaurants and fast food joints.

There is no "obesity epidemic". The problem is just a lack of physical activity. Ironically, the media is a big part of the blame for this by providing passive entertainment and flooding ads constantly for food.

People are responsible for their own health and regulating food providers is hardly the answer.

We are the victims of our own success. We've eliminated physical labor in our jobs to such a degree that a vast majority of people expend little energy at all for an 8 hour shift.

Technology has produced vast quantities of cheap foodstuffs so there is little incentive to eat frugally.

Television drugs the mind into sitting passively for hours instead of getting out and actually doing something to expend some energy.

What we have is an epidemic of abundance. That's a good thing. Now count your blessings and find your entertainment by spending time to improve your body and mind.

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