Here is a list of 10 nutritious foods you should eat as often as possible. If you will your health will benefit a lot and your energy level will be sky high.
1) Broccoli: All green vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients that can help prevent cancer. One such nutrient is genistein. It also has a high nutritional value, being rich in sugars, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and provitamins that contribute to setting calcium, which prevents skeletal problems.
2) Blueberries: You should eat fresh fruits because they retain more of their nutrients. They are rich in antioxidants, prune acid (anti-cancer properties), fiber, and vitamins B2, C and E. Also, they help maintain eye health and vision.
3) Tomatoes: The beautiful red fruit is a rich source of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer and slows the aging process of cells). Also, lycopene helps us prevent coronary disease.
4)Garlic: Many times we stay away from it, but we do not have a clue of how healthy it is! It contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium and vitamin C, it is an important antioxidant and it reduces cholesterol. Garlic is wonderful. It keeps the flu away, makes our skin glow and keeps many bacterium away.
5)Lettuce: Being tasty and healthy too, you can consider lettuce the best healthy food you can eat. It contains lots of iron, zinc and vitamin C; these are essential elements to have beautiful nails and healthy and shiny hair.
6) Dried prunes: Until we get these fruits in the season, we can thank their close "relatives" dried prunes. By drying the prunes they lose some of their nutrients but they get a higher dose of antioxidants. This makes them ideal for maintaining a healthy skin. In other words, the more dried prunes, the more likely to delay that period (however inevitable) the appearance of the first wrinkles. They contain potassium, iron, and vitamins of group B.
7) Beans with high grain: They contain antioxidants, fibers, proteins, folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
8) Walnuts and almonds: They are rich in vitamin E, selenium (with a role in producing antibodies and it contributes to the functioning of the thyroid), zinc, and fat acids, walnuts and almonds should not miss from the table. They also have a role in the action of other antibodies and enzymes in the body.
9) Yogurt: The daily consumption of a cup of yogurt helps us maintain the health of the digestive system, protecting the immune system and preventing the occurrence of eczema and allergies.
10 Apples: How can we forget? They contain quercetin (a bioflavonoid that fights free radicals, it helps the metabolism, strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect), fiber, potassium, malic acid (it contributes to the metabolism and energy production), pectin (soluble fiber that regulates cholesterol), vitamins A and C.
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Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204
2 days ago
Sorry, my last comment didn't stick. I was saying how much I can't stand apples. Anyway, this is a great post and you WILL be healthier by including these foods into your weekly menu. The trick usually is how to hide them so your kids will eat them.
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