Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Should I Be Eating If I Want a Six Pack?

Everybody talks about the best abs exercises and workout routines, but whats hardly never talked about is the diet you need to eat to get a six pack fast. This is just as important, if not even more critical to your success.

You may already know that protein is what builds muscle mass and that you need to get more of it when gaining muscle (this is often talked about in bodybuilding magazines and blogs). But how much do you need?

Whilst building abdominal muscle, you should consume 1.5 grams per pound of your body weight. And you should eat an additional 20 g's before and after a workout. This is because your body needs more protein to repair itself and build new muscle.

You do in fact need carbs, despite what people say! If you don't get your carbs, your body won't have the energy to gain muscle! Divide the weight of your body by 2 to find out how much you should consume in grams.

Fat is also important when your trying to get a six pack. This is something else that so many people say should not be included in your diet at all. The thing is, if your body didn't have fats your bodies mechanisms would not function optimally and this would prevent you from building muscle mass. So times your entire body weight by 0.2 and this is the amount of grams of fat you need to eat.

What many people don't understand when it comes to getting six pack abs, is that you don't always need to do abs exercises like sit ups, leg raises and crunches, you just need to lose belly fat. You would get a six pack almost instantly as soon as you reduced the fat on your stomach. The amount of bodyfat you put on tends to be in direct correlation to how many calories you consume each day. For this abs diet you should eat around 10 calories for every pound of your bodyweight.

Some people don't actually have any belly fat covering their abdominals, they just want more muscle, in this case you should stick to the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). This will give you enough to build your abs muscles up.

When doing any diet, it's a good idea to break it every few weeks or so. This ensures that your metabolism doesn't crash from the radical change in your diet and nutritional intake. It also prevents you from getting really fed up and stopping the diet altogether which is the worst thing you can do. Sometime you might start to lose track of your diet, if this ever happens, just get back to it and keep going as soon as possible.

By using the diet info in this article, you can now start to create your diet plan and begin to workout to get a six pack. So long as you stick to this guide and do regular workouts, then you'll have no problem getting the body you want.

You should check this out if you want to learn more about how to get a six pack...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

10 Foods You Should Eat Each Week

Here is a list of 10 nutritious foods you should eat as often as possible. If you will your health will benefit a lot and your energy level will be sky high.

1) Broccoli: All green vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients that can help prevent cancer. One such nutrient is genistein. It also has a high nutritional value, being rich in sugars, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and provitamins that contribute to setting calcium, which prevents skeletal problems.

2) Blueberries: You should eat fresh fruits because they retain more of their nutrients. They are rich in antioxidants, prune acid (anti-cancer properties), fiber, and vitamins B2, C and E. Also, they help maintain eye health and vision.

3) Tomatoes: The beautiful red fruit is a rich source of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer and slows the aging process of cells). Also, lycopene helps us prevent coronary disease.

4)Garlic: Many times we stay away from it, but we do not have a clue of how healthy it is! It contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium and vitamin C, it is an important antioxidant and it reduces cholesterol. Garlic is wonderful. It keeps the flu away, makes our skin glow and keeps many bacterium away.

5)Lettuce: Being tasty and healthy too, you can consider lettuce the best healthy food you can eat. It contains lots of iron, zinc and vitamin C; these are essential elements to have beautiful nails and healthy and shiny hair.

6) Dried prunes: Until we get these fruits in the season, we can thank their close "relatives" dried prunes. By drying the prunes they lose some of their nutrients but they get a higher dose of antioxidants. This makes them ideal for maintaining a healthy skin. In other words, the more dried prunes, the more likely to delay that period (however inevitable) the appearance of the first wrinkles. They contain potassium, iron, and vitamins of group B.

7) Beans with high grain: They contain antioxidants, fibers, proteins, folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

8) Walnuts and almonds: They are rich in vitamin E, selenium (with a role in producing antibodies and it contributes to the functioning of the thyroid), zinc, and fat acids, walnuts and almonds should not miss from the table. They also have a role in the action of other antibodies and enzymes in the body.

9) Yogurt: The daily consumption of a cup of yogurt helps us maintain the health of the digestive system, protecting the immune system and preventing the occurrence of eczema and allergies.

10 Apples: How can we forget? They contain quercetin (a bioflavonoid that fights free radicals, it helps the metabolism, strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect), fiber, potassium, malic acid (it contributes to the metabolism and energy production), pectin (soluble fiber that regulates cholesterol), vitamins A and C.

For more health related information visit http://www.shedyourweight.com/

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fat Burning Tips - How To Burn Fat Fast And Get Rid of Your Pot Belly

Are you overweight and want to burn fat and get rid of your ugly pot belly? That is a very common thought that millions of people have when they go to bed at night. Being a helping person I'd love to share some of my experience with fitness and weight loss to help you reduce inches of your waist in a quick manner.

First of all, we have all heard about the famous "calories in vs calories out" argument, and it's 100% true, yet it's also not true. Any calories in and any kind of training to create a deficit will not always help you lose the kind of weight you want to lose, which is obviously FAT.

The goal with "weight loss" is really "fat loss". That's literally the big problem with most programs out there today, they focus too much on the weight loss part of the equation and not about lean body mass and maintaining or even building muscle while losing fat.

Wouldn't it suck if you lost weight, but all the weight you lost was muscle and water? Yepp. On the other hand, what if you built 3 lbs of muscle and lost 2 lbs of fat in 2 weeks. You would have gained 1 lb of body weight... An accurate assuption would be to "stop that program" since I didn't lose weight, but hang on a second.

Muscle is denser than fat so you should still "look smaller", so instead of using the scale as your measurment, use the mirror and also look at your body fat percentages as well as overall energy levels.

When you train with weights you release growth hormone, testosterone and many other hormones that help you burn more fat and increases your metabolism to boost your basal metabolic rate which means you are burning fat 24/7.

How would you like to be in a situation where that happened instead of just burning 500 calories per hour on the treadmill, lose muscle and sometimes get weaker? No! Train right, with weights and eat healthy and over a period of time you'll see major changes in your physique.

Of course there are specific programs you can follow to help boost your metabolism more, foods that help fat burn, and sleeping patterns that help build muscle... Therefore it would be a wise idea to seek out a popular fat burning program that requires the least amount of time to get the best results and it doesn't require hours on a treadmill per week.

I've gained tons of muscle while burning off fat strictly from training with resistance, no cardio.

Learn more about fat burning in the fat burning furnace program found at http://www.fatburningfurnacesreview.net right now and get your trial membership today!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Listen While You Lose...How Weight Loss Podcasts Help You Lose 6 Times More Weight

Copyright (c) 2010 Raymond Hinish

A recent study, published in the American Journal of Preventative Nutrition, found that listening to weight loss podcasts could result in significant weight loss. Researchers tested a special formula for producing their weight loss podcast and compared it to a standard weight loss podcast which acted as the control group. After 12 weeks the group that received the special, formula-based, weight loss podcast lost 6 pounds compared to less than 1 pound in the control group.

So, what was the formula that resulted in such an effective weight loss podcast? According to the researchers of the study, the podcast was engaging, based on scientific evidence, and focused on teaching people how to live a lifestyle of health. The enhanced podcast provided tips on weight loss, diet, exercise, and motivation. Each podcast ended by suggesting a unique goal for the week.

There are many great ways to stay motivated when you are looking to lose fat. Personal trainers, books, support groups and now we can add podcasts to the list! The podcast gives you an on-demand motivational experience and, best of all, it's free!

How do you choose a good weight loss podcast?

Aside from the guidelines set by the research study above, you should also look at the following factors:

1. What qualifies the host or hosts to provide advice? The fact that podcasts are free and easy to set up, makes it very easy for any Joe Schmoe to publish. Make sure that they have real world experience and good solid scientific background.

2. Do You feel a sense of connection with the hosts? Just because it is a recorded podcast, doesn't mean that you aren't having a relationship with the hosts. Look to podcast hosts like a hybrid between a therapists and friend. You need to trust them and be willing to open up to them. As you are listening, a good podcast will challenge your beliefs and get you thinking. The podcast loses its power to promote change if you do not trust them.

3. Try them out. If you hate them, just delete them. Remember, sometimes you have to go left just to realize that you should have gone right. Accept a trial and error mentality, after all, it's FREE!

4. What are the hosts selling? It's a fair question...I don't have a problem with hosts providing products and services, but first they should provide value. When it comes to losing weight, diet is 80% of the story while exercise is 15%. The remaining 5% falls into the classification of "other"; if the hosts spend more than 5-8% of the time talking about their products or services...move on.

Ray Hinish, Pharm.D., C.P.T. is a natural pharmacist and certified personal trainer who specializes in weight loss. He co-hosts the Cut the Fat Podcast and Your Prescription for Health radio show. He currently contributes to http://cutthefatpodcast.com and  http://www.professionalvitaminsource.com .