Sunday, April 30, 2006

How To Measure Your Body Fat Level

By: Andrew Smith

Body fat level is an important aspect of weight control. You
need to maintain low body fat levels to keep your body weight in
control. Excess body fat may lead to various diseases including
heart diseases. Hence it is necessary to carry out a Body
Comparison Analysis regularly.

One important reason to measure body fat is because it is
different to body weight. Losing body weight does not
necessarily mean that you have lost body fat because it measures
everything that constitutes the human body and not just the fat.
Someone who looks relatively trim may in fact have high levels
of body fat. So it is important to lose body fat as part of your
weight loss plan.

Body fat is measured in percentage terms using various
techniques. Some of the common techniques of measuring body fat
level include body fat scales, hydrodensitometry, and skinfold
calipers measurement. These have been explained below: Body fat
scales: In this method, a low current is passed through your
body. The resistance offered to the passage of this current
depends on your body fat level.

Hydrodensitometry weighing: Also known as underwater weighing or
hydrostatic weighing, this method measures your body fat level
by your body volume and body weight in water. Your weight is
first measured outside water and then you are immersed in a pool
of water. Your weight is measured under water. Your weight in
water depends on the amount of fat in your body. The more the
fat content of your body, the lesser your weight under water.
Your body volume is measured and a formula is used to measure
you body fat level.

Skinfold calipers: The skinfold calipers measurement is also
kown as Anthropometry. In this method, pressure is applied on
your skin and the underlying tissue using calipers. Measurements
are taken at various locations on the body and a mathematical
formula is used to find your body fat level.

There are also less scientific, but some would say plausible
way, to measure body fat. By seeing how your clothes fit every
week or two. If the clothes that normally fit perfectly are
slightly loose fitted after a week or two then it's a sign that
you have lost some weight and possibly body fat. However, this
is not an accurate measure of fat loss because it could be
weight loss.

About the author: How to guides - Health & Fitness. Andrew Smith is the ownerof HowToAll, a site with information on how to do things. Visit the link to find more how-to guides on health & fitness relatedissues.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Stretching, It's Not Just For Your Body Anymore

By: J Lance Curtis

Copyright 2006 J Lance Curtis

"Where Your Mind Goes, Your Body Follows."

Wade McNutt Natural Champion Bodybuilder

Flexibility is critical for proper body movement. And to achieve
that requires proper stretching. You instinctively stretch,
usually after first awakening. You push your limbs in extended
movements to get that 'good stretch' feeling.

This book is insufficient to devise a stretching program to meet
your total needs. There are plenty of good books out there. The
one I have used for years is called 'Stretching' by Bob
Anderson. He now has a DVD version if you prefer a visual
approach. Both are available through

The Key to stretching is when to do it. It was once thought that
stretching should be part of your warm-up. Stretch and be ready
for your workout. Now we know differently.

Stretching should be done at the end of your workout, after the
muscles are warmed and supple. The problem is that you are
usually pushing to finish your workout and get out of the gym,
not trying to find a way to stay longer. However, allow me to
encourage you to plan your stretching as part of your workout.

Taking less than 5 minutes to stretch out the major muscles just
worked not only feels good but gives you lasting physical
benefits. I had the pleasure to train a married couple, who
first met at yoga class. These two had stretching down pat!
While they and most yoga practitioners will bend your ear with
the positives of stretching, you don't have to do yoga to feel
real benefits.

Get Bob Anderson's book and incorporate stretching into your
regular workout routine. Plan for it, do it.

While stretching the muscles is important, this title of this
chapter implies something more than physical stretching. I
believe there is a form of stretching that is essential key to
long term success for you.

Recently, Forbes Magazine interviewed billionaire Richard
Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways. During the
course of the interview he said something very interesting while
talking about his mentor, Freddie Laker.

Richard Branson said, "At the time, I was running a little
record company; I was about 17 years old. The first time I met
him was some years later. I was thinking about setting up my own
airline. He gave me this advice: 'You'll never have the
advertising power to outsell British Airways. You are going to
have to get out there and use yourself. Make a fool of yourself.
Otherwise you won't survive'."

I won't ask you to make a 'fool' out of yourself, however, I
believe you must stretch. Stretch your mind.

All of my clients, at one time or the other, have heard me say
this, "we all have limits in the gym, and over 80% of your
limitation is mental. My job as your personal trainer is to push
you to your limit, and a little bit beyond, so that your limit
is stretched. Each time you go into the gym you are pushed
against your new limits. You will always feel like your head is
'banging against the wall'. But over time, in retrospect, you
will be able to see the progress that you cannot really see each
day because of the frustration of 'hitting your limit'."

Now that is a poorly worded way of saying that you are either
stretching your limitations or your dying. Your limits are
really only limits of your mind, your faith, your belief. You
must know that although you don't realize all your goals now,
you are making progress toward those each day.

My book of faith and doctrine puts it this way, "faith is the
substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not

You don't wake up one day and magically get the body you want
(or endurance, or self-confidence or whatever your goal is). You
take small steps each day, make small decisions each day, each
of which either gets you closer, or further away, from your goal.

Remember to stretch your mind and body. Both are essential to
your long term success.

Daily disciplines help 'stretch' your mind. If you need a tool,
or aid, in focusing on what is most important to you allow me to
recommend a website called I don't make any
money from this recommendation, but I have received tremendous
value from what Mark Joyner has done there. Don't let the name
fool you. Check it out!

About the author:
Lance Curtis is a personal trainer and author of "7 Keys to
Unlock The Sexy Dream Body Inside You!" To claim your free copy
go to

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Understanding The Mediterranean Diet

By: Kelly Johnson

As a young scientist Ancel Keys showed that among people in
countries where fresh fruit, vegetables and olive oil were
plentiful like Greece, southern Italy and southern France- heart
disease was extremely rare. In other countries where people eat
a lot of beef, cheese and foods high in saturated fat- like the
United States- heart disease is a leading cause of death. Ancel
Keys, who is now 96, promoted the health benefits of the
Mediterranean Diet, which has become synonymous with good

Recently some have started to question the diet. In the past few
years, Italian scientists have linked bread, pasta and rice made
from refined grains to an increased risk of certain cancers,
particularly thyroid, colon and stomach cancers. The Center for
Science in the Public Interest also issued an enlightening
report on the food served in Italian restaurants- many laden
with saturated fat and cholesterol. Like fettuccine alfredo
which has as much saturated fat as three pints of butter-almond
ice cream or a serving of fried calamari which has the
cholesterol equivalent of a four-egg omelet. However the foods
served in most Italian restaurants are a long way from the foods
that Keys first promoted in his original diet. The original
Mediterranean Diet was nearly vegetarian, with fish and very
little meat, and was rich in green vegetables and fruits.

When the traditional diets were brought to America suddenly a
lot of meat, sugar and cream sauces were added. In addition,
many pastas and bread are no longer even prepared the
traditional way. The original Mediterranean diet never included
refined flours. By making careful choices, you can experience
the true Mediterranean Diet and have the healthiest and most
delicious meals. When buying breads choose loaves made with
whole grains and flours as opposed to white refined flours. For
the main course fill your plate with fresh fruits and
vegetables. If you are dining out, look for entrees with plenty
of vegetables and very little cream, or cheese. For dessert,
choose something that provides one serving of fruit.

© Copyright, All Rights Reserved.

About the author:
Kelly Johnson writes for where she
covers diet, health, fitness and exercise related topics.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Ten Secret Steps to Build Body Mass

By: Geoff Morris

Copyright 2006 Geoff Morris

How many times have you considered your alter ego, your ultimate
body shape, you know, the body you think you really ought to
have, and just wished.....

Well, wishing will never achieve anything - as you well know.

But, whilst you are busy 'wishing' considers this: gaining mass
may not be as difficult as you think. Getting it is quite simple
and straightforward, as long as you are willing to put in some
considerable effort, bust a gut, stick to a good training and
eating plan and follow these 10 basic rules.

1. Use free weights for all heavy sets. As heavy as some
machines might feel, they do not involve as much of the
ancillary muscle areas as do free weights, and therefore do not
build as much compound mass. Where the machine guides the
movement of the weights for you, with free weights you are using
your back, stomach, shoulders and so forth in a more
co-ordinated manner to achieve the same effect. However you
really achieve you also need to make sure that you are doing the
free weight exercises correctly, otherwise you could be missing
the target muscle you want to build

2. Utilise 'Compound Movement'. How you perform an exercise is
perhaps the most important component in building mass. If you
want to have full, hard bulk, do not isolate specific actions.
Instead, use 'body thrust' to compound the involvement of all
the muscles in that area. Also, don't fall for the theory that
cheating robs you of separation (unlike machine work, where you
can only use the appropriate muscle group). On the contrary, it
augments the compound benefit and builds even greater size so
that there's more muscle in which to carve separation.

3. Find areas of improvement. Assess your physique to determine
which muscle groups need to be brought up in size, then go to
the gym with that in mind, concentrate on working those areas
first. Begin your workout with a barbell movement and follow
with dumbbells. If you use cables, do so at the end of your
workout. Never count cable sets as muscle building sets.

4. Experiment to find your best mass building exercises. I used
to perform lots of squats, and I became incredibly strong with
them, going as high as 40 reps with 315 pounds. But there came a
point where, even at that level of intensity, my legs weren't
growing to my satisfaction. I discovered that my lower back and
hips were taking too much of the stress; the solution lay in
working my quads more exclusively. I therefore stopped doing
squats and switched to leg presses and hack squats instead. My
legs are now bulkier than ever.

5. Avoid Injuries. Be wary of dangerous exercises. Squats and
flat bench presses, for example, present the most injury
potential, so I stay away from them. I can't count the number of
individuals whose bodybuilding careers were ended by torn pecs,
slipped discs or strained erectors. With proper knowledge and
execution, you can get commensurate or even better growth from
exercises that work those muscle groups thoroughly without
placing undue stress on tendons and ligaments. This is
particularly true if you are new to bodybuilding - if you try
such exercises then the first time you do them make sure that
you get the proper guidance from a qualified trainer to do them
correctly - if you've been doing them for some time it's still
advisable to check out your stance, posture and lift position
with a professional.

6. Utilise optimum sets. Use a range of 16 - 20 total sets per
body part - and STICK to them!

7. Don't count exercise. There is no optimum number of
exercises. Most bodybuilders prescribe four sets each of four or
five different exercises per bodypart, but for some muscle
groups, there might be only one or two movements that work them
effectively. In those cases, you should do 16 - 20 sets of one
exercise, or 8 - 10 sets each of two exercises.

8. Perform Optimum reps. I like to train heavy, but I also like
to use lots of reps. I recently performed incline barbell curls
with 405 pounds for 10 reps, but I consider that to be medium to
light weight, and, therefore, not mass training. My favorite
number of mass reps on a regular basis is 10, to failure(when
you just can not do even 1 more...) of course. However, that
doesn't mean you should avoid going as heavy as possible now and

9. Flirt with maximums. Check out your strength levels every so
often by maxing out with one or two reps. Remember, though, that
any time you play around with benchpress poundages above 405,
you flirt with danger. The body cannot consistently take that
type of training. When you want to test your max, do not take
big jumps. Rather, work up gradually to keep your body
accustomed to the changing forces and their deflections at each
level. For example, I go up to 500 pounds for two reps on the
incline barbell press, but I do not jump directly from 405 to
500. Instead, I make sure I can do 465 for at least four reps
before I go to my max.

10. Eat your meat! The more protein you eat, the better, and the
best form of protein for mass is meat, especially red meat.
That's where you get your muscle building nutrients, your
strength reserves and the necessary fats for joint protection.
There is loads of advice freely available on what you should eat
so use it - you need to control calorie intake but you also need
to get the right mix of carbs and protein, so use a proper
eating plan.

Make all of these principles second nature to your bodybuilding
lifestyle and you will gain good solid mass.

About the author:
Geoff Morris has been involved in keeping fit for several years,
and has now turned his attention in more detail to personal
fitness by taking over the site made famous by Ryan Joyce. This
site cuts through a lot of the confusion surrounding natural
bodybuilders and fitness models. .

Choosing a Health Insurance Quote: The Best Bang for your Buck

Most people get a series of health insurance quotes when shopping around. Everyone requires health insurance of some sorts, whether you are single, married have kids or are a student – and quotes help narrow down your options. However, the process can be quite a tedious one! Not only will this decision affect your levels of medical care, it will also affect your pocketbook. This article will help you manage the choices available to you when shopping for a health insurance quote, so that your medical requirements and budget are both met satisfactorily.

Most of the health insurance quotes that you’ll receive will be grouped into one of three categories:

Health Insurance Quotes: Indemnity of Fee-For-Service Plans
The plans that our parents used to use were probably indemnity plans; these health insurance quotes allow you to visit any doctor of your choosing. Highly desirable by many people, these types of health insurance quote are in great demand, however, they are becoming harder and harder to come by, and seem to be creeping up in price. But many consumers are willing to pay this price, because of the convenience and flexibility these plans offer.

Health Insurance Quotes: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
HMOs are becoming more and more common lately; most health insurance quotes are for this type of plan nowadays. HMOs are, essentially, a group of health service providers who bundle their services together in a fixed price option. If your doctor doesn’t refer you to certain care, then you won’t be eligible to receive payment for it under your health insurance quote. These types of plans are good for people who know they won’t need any specialized services, and if your budget is a factor, this is one of the lower, and more predictable options.

Health Insurance Quotes: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
PPOs are a health insurance quote that combines aspects the two aforementioned plans. PPOs offer the same type of managed group services as HMOs, but also allow users to go outside of their network without a referral. It only makes sense, though, that using this option will cost you more out-of-pocket expenses, but it is covered partially. PPOs are a good middle ground health insurance quote option; you get the flexibility of using your group of health care providers or ones outside of the network, and the costs for this type of plan are in the middle range of the three (although costs can be a bit less predictable).

Health Insurance Quotes: Where to Go?
Many consumers get their health insurance quotes from their workplace, which may or may not be partially paid for through the company. If your company doesn’t offer this benefit, perhaps talk to professional organizations, unions, banks, club or other group that you belong to – they may have an option that is attractive to you. If you cannot find group coverage this way, you can always opt for individual coverage – but this is by far the most expensive health insurance quote option out there. Talking to an insurance agent who can assist you with the quote process is a good idea, if this is your only avenue.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Getting the Most Out of Your Treadmill Workout

By: Fred Waters

You know what makes exercising on a treadmill so effective in
losing weight and getting in shape - the ability to adjust the
incline. With the push of a button you can adjust the intensity
level of your workout to any degree.

If you live in a flatlander state like Illinois and you run or
walk outside, you're stuck at one level. With a treadmill you
can simulate running or walk on hills or mountains, and that is
where you start getting the heart beating and the calories

Breaking Out of the Exercise Rut

For those of us who exercise regularly, we tend to get into a
rut. And once you get stuck in a rut you reach a plateau. You
find that you are not losing any more weight, and you are not
getting in better shape. By changing up your routine and the
intensity of your workout you can reach new highs in your
personal fitness. That is why hill and interval training are
such popular programs on the treadmill. In fact, one of the
hottest trends in exercising and weigh loss is High Intensity
Interval Training (HIIT)
. This new form of aerobic
exercising manages to get the maximum results in less time. And
for us who struggle to find the time to exercise, this type of
workout is very attractive.

Treadmill Are Ideal for Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training requires exercising at high
intensity levels for 1-3 minutes, and follow-up with a recovery
period that is approximately 2 to 3 times longer. HIIT can apply
whether you run or walk. It just is a matter of raising the
incline level and getting the heart beating faster. Treadmills
are ideal for aerobic workouts like High Intensity Interval
Training. You crank the treadmill up to a high incline for
several minutes then reduce the level and slow down to a walk or
slow jog. You can either use existing hill or interval programs
on the treadmill (most at least have hill training), or you can
manually control the workout to a level you feel comfortable

The important point is get out of the rut. Experiment with
different speeds and incline levels. As you start getting
comfortable at a certain level for a certain period, increase
both the incline and the period of time. The benefits of
breaking out of the rut is burning more calories, getting in
better shape and breaking up the boredom of your exercise

If you plan to increase your level of exercising, make sure you
are physically in shape to handle the intensity. You may want to
check with your physician first, particularly if you are just
starting back into a fitness routine.

About the author:
Fred Waters worked in the treadmill industry for a number of
year and is author of the Treadmill
Ratings and Reviews
site. Check out the latest reviews on
over 75 of the most popular treadmills, and get important buying
tips from the Treadmill Buyer's Guide.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Selecting Home Exercise Equipment That's Right For You

By: Jim O'Neill

So often people will make the decision to go out to the nearest
fitness equipment store or local department store and buy some
home exercise equipment. They want to start an exercise program,
but don't want to go to the gym for any number of reasons,
making exercising at home the best choice.

They will, with the best of intentions, buy a piece or two of
equipment based on the recommendation of a friend or family
member who swears by their choice. In some cases, they have no
idea what they want and just go off without a clue, only to end
up buying something based on appearance or a salespersons pitch
of the item.

The problem with this is, if the equipment you buy doesn't suit
your needs, in the long run, it will end up collecting dust in
the closet or become an expensive coat hanger. Almost everyone
knows someone who has some kind of exercise device or another
that in terms of use is brand new, but they've had the thing for
over two years. They probably bought their equipment with every
intention to make full use of it, so why didn't they make full
use of it?

When setting out to purchase home exercise equipment, there are
some things which must be considered very carefully before you
go out and drag home something you will be disappointed with.
Here are some tips that are paramount to know when considering
home exercise equipment.

First of all, are you really committed to exercising on a
regular basis? This is probably the single biggest factor. If
you are not, you will not benefit from anything you buy.

The second thing is what type of exercise do you want to do? If
you are looking to build muscle, buying a stationary bike will
be of little value just as if you are looking to build your
aerobic capacity, a weight bench and weights will not be the
best choice.

Next is how much money do you have or are you willing to spend
on exercise equipment? You do get better equipment when you
spend more money, but for a smaller investment, you can still
get equipment that will get the job done. The key here is to
shop around and find the best equipment you can within your

You must next consider how much space is available where the
equipment will go? This is an often overlooked but very
important point. There must be enough room for your equipment to
fit, and there must be room for you to use it to the fullest
once it is there. How can you get anything from your equipment
if you don't have the room to maneuver around to make use of it
after it is set up?

Once you have your equipment in place, a good way to make sure
you keep at it is to make yourself accountable by having a fiend
ask you every day if you did your routine for that day and to
monitor your progress. You can also make it more enjoyable by
putting on some music while you exercise or even put a sporting
event on your TV to check on while you go at it, whatever the
case, just associate it with something you enjoy and it will be
much easier to stick with.

If you are considering the purchase of home exercise equipment,
these few tips should help you to make the right choice in
selecting equipment that you will benefit from for years to

About the author:
Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the
subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy
for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7
part mini e-course at:

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Eating Before and After Exercise

By: Jim O'Neill

When you exercise, you do it in order to try to maintain good
health. You know that you have to eat so that your body has the
energy to perform the workouts that you do as well as for
everyday tasks. But, just what you should eat before and after
you workouts is important for making the best of your workouts.
Also, how long you eat before and after each workout is equally

Whether you are going to be doing a cardio workout or a
resistance workout, you should try to make it a point to eat a
mix of carbohydrates and protein. What determines the percentage
of carbohydrates and protein you should consume is whether you
are doing cardio or resistance and the intensity level you will
be working at.

The ideal time to eat your pre workout meal is 1 hour before
you start. If you are working at a lower intensity level, keep
this meal down to around 200 calories or so. If you are working
at a higher intensity level, you may need this meal to be as
high as 400 to 500 calories.

If you are doing a cardio session, you will need to eat a mix
of around 2/3 carbohydrates and 1/3 protein. This will give you
longer sustained energy from the extra carbs with enough protein
to keep muscle from breaking down during your workout.

If you are doing a resistance session, you should eat a mix of
around 1/3 carbohydrates and 2/3 protein. This will give you
enough energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the
extra protein will help keep muscle breakdown to a minimum
during your workout. It has been shown that your body most
effectively uses protein during exertion meaning that taking in
more protein before resistance workouts aids in faster recovery
as well.

Now, eating after a workout is just as important as the pre
workout meal. Remember that when you exercise whether it is a
cardio or a resistance session, you deplete energy in the form
of glycogen. Our brain and central nervous system relies on
glycogen as their main source of fuel so if we don't replace it
after exercise, our bodies will begin to break down muscle
tissue into amino acids, then convert them into usable fuel for
the brain and central nervous system.

Also, mostly during resistance workouts, you break down muscle
tissue by creating micro tears. This means that right after a
workout; your muscles go into a repair mode. Proteins are the
key macronutrient for muscle repair and so you don't want muscle
breaking down further to create fuel in place of lost glycogen.

If you have just finished a cardio session, you will need to
consume mostly carbohydrates, preferably ones with high fiber.
Oatmeal, rice, whole wheat pasta, and most northern fruits are
good sources. Try to consume around 30 to 50 grams of these
carbohydrates after a cardio session. After cardio, it is ok to
eat within 5 to 10 minutes of completion.

If you have just finished a resistance session, you will need a
combination of carbohydrates and protein. Because unlike cardio
workouts, with resistance workouts you are breaking down muscle
tissue by creating micro tears. The protein is needed to build
up and repair these tears so the muscle can increase in size and
strength. The carbs not only replace the lost muscle glycogen,
but also help the protein get into our muscle cells so it can
synthesize into structural protein, or muscle itself.

Chicken or fish with a potato, egg whites with a piece of
fruit, or a protein shake with fruit mixed in are good meals
after resistance workouts but remember to keep the fiber low
here. High fiber slows down digestion, meaning the protein will
take longer to reach the muscle cells.

After resistance, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes before
eating so as not to take blood away from your muscles too soon.
The blood in your muscles helps with the repair process by
removing metabolic waste products from them.

Any fats should be consumed well before and well after exercise.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the
subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy
for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7
part mini e-course at:

About the author:
Jim O'Neill is a certified personal fitness trainer and also
holds a sports nutrition certification. He has been helping
people successfully achieve their weight loss and fitness goals
for over 15 years by staying on the cutting edge of weight loss
and fitness technology. To learn more about how you can benefit
from his easy to use weight loss and fitness programs go to:

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Finding the Best Elliptical Trainer for Your Own Fitness

By: Jim Johnson

Elliptical trainers are the new kids on the block as far as
fitness equipment is concerned. But they are also the rising
stars of the fitness industry. The latest figures show that
their sales are increasing at a very rapid rate, no doubt
because people are starting to realize how beneficial elliptical
trainers can be if included in their home fitness workouts. Here
are some of the features that you should look for when shopping
for your own elliptical trainer:

First of all, look for a solid and sturdy machine. There are
already several elliptical trainer models on the market, but not
all of them are quality machines. If you read several of the
online elliptical trainer reviews you'll see that they often
mention the fact that the lower-priced elliptical trainer models
that they tested were definitely inferior in quality to the
higher-priced ones. In fact, it appears that $2000 seems to be
the price range where you can begin to expect to get a really
solid quality machine.

With that information in mind, look for machines that have
exercise programs built into it that can vary the workout and
help prevent boredom while you're exercising. Some of these will
allow you to manually adjust your workout as you go, and others
will allow you to program the machine before you begin, and then
automatically adjust your workout as you go. A feature like this
is good to have because workout machines are often considered
boring, and anything you can do to make the workout more
interesting and enjoyable will be a good investment.

As is the case with most exercise machines, it's a good idea to
have a heart rate monitor that is included with the machine to
help keep watch on your pulse rate as you exercise. That kind of
regular feedback can help you make sure that you stay in the
optimum exercise zone as you work out.

It's always a good idea to actually physically use an exercise
machine before you buy it too. And when you try out elliptical
trainer models you want to be looking for one that seems to fit
you well and is comfortable for you to use. Pay particular
attention to the handles as some seem to be better designed than
others in this area. You want to make sure that the handles are
comfortable and spaced far enough apart so that they are easy
for you to use and grasp.

Safety is also an issue with any exercise machine especially
since they are run by motors and could be a safety hazard for
small children. With that in mind, it's good to have a safety
pin on your elliptical trainer that will not allow the machine
to be used by anyone who is not an adult. If you have small
children in the household, this can be a very important feature
to have and look for.

As you shop for your new exercise equipment, be sure to use the
suggestions given above as you make your selection. And if you
do, most likely you'll be able to find the best elliptical
trainer for your personal fitness workouts.

About the author:
You can find the best elliptical trainer and best
elliptical machine
by visiting our Home Fitness website.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Quick Weight Loss Tips To Gain A Healthier Lifestyle

By: John Lim

Weight gain/weight loss is a serious issue, no matter what your
stage in life. It is a major health concern and can serve to
shorten your life if it is not addressed. Certainly, there are a
large number of diet plans on the market today. Each has its
strengths and weaknesses, its assets and liabilities.
Ultimately, it is best to consult with your doctor and a
registered dietician in order to find the diet plan that is
right for you.

However, long-term weight loss requires more than just a stellar
diet plan. It also requires a commitment to a lifetime of
healthy eating, a sensible exercise program, and an
understanding of the dynamics of overeating. If you can master
these elements, chances are you will be successful not only when
it comes to losing weight, but maintaining weight loss as well.

There are plenty of reasons to lose weight. Some do it to feel
healthier; others do it to look better. Regardless of your
reasons, there are some weight loss programs that do more harm
than good to your body. Believe it or not, there are ways to
lose weight safely. Dieting is not easy. Here are some quick
tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others
can benefit too.

* Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day * Eat breakfast * Eat at
least 3 meals and 2 snacks each day * Eat your veggies * Prepare
your own food as much as possible * Invest in a good set of food
storage containers * Eat some protein at each meal and as a
snack * Drink a glass of water after each snack * Eat slowly and
enjoy your food * Eat your larger meals early and smaller meals
later * Eat a fruit dessert * Go easy on the meal replacements *
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is * Invest in
good cookbooks * Take a good multi-vitamin

Your weight loss success is totally up to you. Assuming that you
are an otherwise healthy individual, your body will do its part.
Just remember to adhere to the weight loss or diet plan that is
right for you and add some variety to your meals to help you
stay faithful to your health and weight loss goals.

Weight loss comprises of several things, including the mindset,
exercise, food and diet supplements. If you're new at this and
you want to lose weight quickly, it's best to follow a diet plan
that can be easily accustomed to. A simple exercise plan of
brisk walking, running, swimming or even dancing can suffice.
Just remember to avoid sugary snacks that will put the weight
back on. Don't forget to feed yourself either. Starving is the
worse thing you can do in a diet.

About the author:
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Monday, April 10, 2006

Do Popular Fad Diets Work?

By: Ken Snowie

It seems like so many celebrities today market their own diet,
exercise, or weight loss programs, celebrities like Suzanne
Somers or Kathy Ireland. The appeal of these programs is
obvious, because celebrities are always so trim and
healthy-looking. And since celebrities are often amiable and
trustworthy, it's easy to trust that their products will work
for you.

Most celebrities, however, do not have any professional training
in the fields of exercise, health, or nutrition. Often, they are
merely offering a good sales offer to the public.

Experts on health and nutrition Annette B. Natow and Jo-Ann
Heslin, who wrote the book Get Skinny the Smart Way, say that
consumers should be apprehensive of celebrity-inspired diet and
exercise plans. They point out these kinds of books are usually
based on nutritional fiction and that, while the diets outlined
in these books may result in short-term weight loss, they are
not always very healthy for the long term. It might be wise to
instead consider a plan written by health and nutrition experts.

Celebrities aren't the only pitchers of fad diets. There have
been many ridiculous fad diets through the years, and many
people have tried them, including the grapefruit diet, which
suggests eating a grapefruit before each meal. Then there is the
cabbage soup diet, which involves eating all the cabbage soup
you can. There have been fads that require eating nothing but
eggs, eating only raw foods, even fasting every other day. These
diets not healthy.

No major health group ever supported the cabbage soup diet. The
American Heart Association condemns it, noting that it can cause
you long-term harm. Advocates of the diet say that you can lose
as much as 15 pounds a week on it. However, this is just water,
and when you begin eating other foods again, you will gain back
all of the weight immediately. There are a few possible side
effects of doing the cabbage soup diet, which include weakness,
stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

Another dubious diet plan is known as food combining. Proponents
of this type of dieting preach that you are overweight because
you eat the wrong types of foods together. The requirements of
this diet seem pretty random. For example, the diet might state
that you can eat a banana only at breakfast. This makes no
sense, as your stomach can digest different foods at any time of
day. The goal of this plan is to consume fewer calories, but
there are more efficient and healthy ways of doing this.

There are even claims that you can lose weight while you sleep.
By using their product before you go to bed at night, you will
lose weight in your dreams. This is an impossibility. There are
even diet plans that state that you can lose weight by eating
their special milkshakes or candy bars. These products are
nothing more than milk and candy with added vitamins and
minerals. You rarely feel sated or full after using these
products, which can lead you to binge eat, and eat more calories
than you would have otherwise. In addition, plans such as this
make it very difficult to maintain any weight loss in the long

There is a lot of money to be made in the diet industry.
Marketing companies will continue to feed off the ill health and
insecurities of overweight people. When looking for an effective
diet plan, it is your job to know the fad diets from the
legitimate ones. In the long run, there are no true short cuts
to weight loss. A successful weight loss program takes time and
determination, along with exercise, healthful eating, and
portion control.

About the author:
If you would like to learn more about diets and how to lose weight visit

Friday, April 07, 2006

Setting And Reaching Fitness Goals

By: James McDonald

When beginning any new workout routine an important part of the
process is setting and reaching fitness goals. In order to
maximize your exercise program you need to have a reachable goal
to shoot for. This will allow your mind to stay focused and
always feel like positive progress is being made. Overcoming the
mental part of any fitness routine is difficult but becomes much
easier when you are reaching predetermined goals.

One important thing to remember when setting your fitness goals
is that they need to be difficult to reach, but not so difficult
that you never get there. It may sound easy but it can be tough
finding the right balance. If you find yourself always
surpassing the immediate goal infront of you then you should
raise your expectations. By not doing so, your body will feel
gratified when reaching the goal and not push harder. Remember
you are involved in fitness to get into better shape and you
cannot do this by not pushing your physical limits.

To get started try tracking your progress throughout the first
couple of weeks of your new workout routine. Once you see what
your body can handle you can slightly increase the level of
resistance, giving yourself a stretch goal to shoot for. It may
take you a few weeks to get there but once you do you will feel
like you are really making progress. Remember that the mental
process is a huge part of your workout. If you believe you can
do something you probably can.

For more ideas on how to set realistic fitness goals you can
speak with a local trainer. They are used to working with people
new to fitness and can give you some pointers for maximizing
your time. They can help you track your progress and let you
know what percentage of increasing your body can handle. And
remember to speak with your doctor before beginning any new
exercise routine and if possible schedule a physical to insure
your body is healthy and ready to workout.

Physical fitness should be an important part of your life. You
will benefit both physically and mentally from exercising.
Setting and reaching your own personal goals will give you the
satisfaction you need to continue working hard.

About the author:
James McDonald writes for where you
can find alot of information and home fitness
for those of us who enjoy working out in the
convenience of our homes. We have helpful articles and product
comparisons to get you going on the track to being fit.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Five Weight Loss Tips You Can't Go Wrong With

By: Heather McLaughlin

5 weight loss tips you can't go wrong with If it's time to drop
some pounds, you have your work cut out for you. Losing weight
is never easy, but there are certain things you can do to make
your job a whole lot simpler. These five tips should help you in
your quest for a new and slimmer you:

1) Be patient. I'm sure this isn't the advice you wish to hear,
but you need to. The excess weight you now carry was not gained
in a hurry, and it won't be lost in one either. You need
patience and persistence to reach your goal. You need to resolve
yourself to the fact that it could take a great deal of time and
effort to reach your ideals weight.

2) Be dedicated to whatever weight loss tasks you assign
yourself. It's not enough to just set a few goals and forget
them. You need to work your program, whatever it may be,
everyday without complaining. You can't overstate the
determination that is required in losing weight. You're changing
the way you eat and live, which is a fundamental shift for any
of us. It requires that you change the way you behave, in order
to improve the way you live.

3) Keep detailed notes of your effort. You have to write down
what you eat and how much you exercise or you'll have nothing to
look back on as your journey progresses. You can't know how far
you've come, if you don't recollect where you started. The more
detailed you can be, the better. Write down every single thing
you eat, no matter if it's one piece of candy. This will really
make you become aware of how you eat, and awareness is the first
step towards change.

4) Set a specific goal for your weight loss. Spell it out as
clearly as you can. If you want to lose weight because you want
to look better at the beach, then make that your goal and
picture the whole event in your mind's eye with exquisite
precision. You should be able to easily and clearly explain when
asked what your goal is. A well defined goal gives much greater
force to all of your efforts. 5) Stay positive! You'll have down
days like anyone when losing weight. Weight loss plateaus are
common, and will happen to the best of us. So what? Just grit
your teeth and go on about your business. You're the one who
stands to benefit the most from a slimmer, healthier body. You
can't expect that anyone can do it for you, or that anyone will
feel bad for you if you're having a tough day on your diet. A
diet is a beneficial change in your life that opens the doors
for more possibilities than you can imagine. Having improved
your basic fitness levels is always a boost to your self esteem
and the well-being is well worth the effort. These five tips
should give you a heads up on your diet. Don't be afraid to
stumble here and there and you can expect to have your share of
challenges, but the outcome is well worth it. Good luck!

About the author:
Heather McLaughlin is the webmistress of weight loss
community. Find more information on popular diet plans.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Elliptical Trainers Are Low Impact

By: Todd Bush

Elliptical trainers provide a great cardio vascular workout but
is low impact. That is there is less pressure, which is put on
the joints of the legs. Thus it's not as strenuous as a
treadmill. Therefore they are ideal for all age groups. Those in
there 60s and 70s, who want to keep fit, can also easily use
them. There are many versions, and options of elliptical
trainers that are available in the market. The cost for an
elliptical trainer starts at $300 and can cost up to $3000
dependent upon the functions and the features of the elliptical

To consider an elliptical trainer, one must make sure that it
has a 21" stride. This length is ideal for an average person.
There are many elliptical trainers that also come with a 14"
stride. These are the foldable elliptical trainers, but can be
quite inconvenient. Thus before you actually purchase one, look
at reviews of the elliptical trainers and compare the various
elliptical trainers that are available in the market. The
comparison is done on the basis of cost, the type of material
used, the stride length, the functions and the control panel.

Hence its important that before a purchase decision is made, you
should have read all the reviews. The showroom and well as many
supermarkets also retail the elliptical trainers. Hence you can
make a comparison and reviews of the elliptical trainers can
help you make an informed decision. The various factors that you
should look into are the length of the stride, whether there are
arms or not, the price factors, the various levels of intensity,
the display of the control panel, the warranty that would be
given with the elliptical trainers and your budget.

Of course it will depend on your personal preferences but the
above criteria are a good starting point when selecting your
first elliptical trainer.

About the author:
If you enjoyed this article c
heck out this list of elliptical trainer related articles.

And here you'll find our most recently added elliptical
trainer article
for your reading.