Friday, March 31, 2006

Making Time for Exercise

By: Anna Fleet

As a certified personal trainer and editor of a popular fitness
site,, I've heard every excuse in the book
when it comes to why people don't exercise. However, the one
that takes the, pardon-my-pun, "fitness cake" is lack of time.

A day doesn't go by without one of my clients professing that
they simply don't have time for exercise. Well, I've seen people
who want to loose weight badly enough. They will restrict their
diets, exercise rigorously for an hour a day and even swear off
alcohol - gasp - and chocolate - double gasp! So, don't give me
that bull!

People shy away from exercise because they think they'll have to
spend hours in a gym. To maintain good health all you need is a
healthy diet and a daily walk that can be broken up into
increments throughout the day.

Still don't believe me? I'll show you how easy it is to fit
brief walks into your day:

1) Is Sex and the City a rerun again? It breaks my heart when
that happens. Why not go for a 30-minute walk. If it's a new
episode that you simply can't miss, jump rope during commercials
or run on the spot.

2) Does carting the kids to hockey or baseball cut into your
exercise time? Take some inspiration from Jr. and stay on your
feet during the game. You'll get kudos for being the team's best
cheer leader, and your butt won't expand to the size of the
soccer field.

3) Are you dying to get your hands on the next best-seller? Buy
it as a book-on-tape and take it walking with you. It might have
you extending your stroll to finish a chapter.

4) Instead of a sumptuous brunch with the girls, try a brisk
30-minute walk with your BFF. Catching up on all the latest
gossip can be just as delicious during a walk - plus it won't
tempt you to cheat on your healthy eating plan.

5) Remember when people used to "run" errands? Well many of us
still take that term literally. The next time you need a quart
of milk, walk to the local grocer.

6) Use your lunch break as an exercise break. I go work out and
then eat lunch at my desk. A brisk walk around the block will
leave you more refueled for the afternoon than that third cup of

7) Do you complain about how slow your apartment elevator is?
Take the faster route - the stairs. You'll burn calories in the

8) It's always ironic that those who circle the parking lot
looking for the closest spot are often the most overweight. Park
farther away where there are spots o' plenty. You'll burn extra
calories lugging your groceries back to the car.

9) Have you ever heard the phrase "hurry up and wait!"? Well
it's not just a humorous observation it's a great way to stay
moving. The next time you're waiting in a long lineup don't take
a chair, pace the floor or do a little stretching.

10) If you have no time to exercise, chances are you don't have
time to clean the house either. Housework - such as dusting,
vacuuming, shoveling and raking - is multitasking because it
counts as exercise.

About the author:
Anna Fleet is a certified fitness instructor, and the face and
voice behind - an awesome website with
extensive information about workout
, fitness
, stupid fitness ideas and more.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Top 5 Fitness Myths and Cardio Activities

By: Jennifer Felker

You've heard the stories: Weight training makes women look like
Arnold Schwarzenegger, exercising on an empty stomach burns more
calories, and more.

While some fitness myths make sense on the surface, deeper
examination proves these stories are simply made up and have
little or no basis in reality. Let's tackle five of the most
common myths and check out the real story behind them.

1. No pain, no gain - Perhaps the most common myth out there is
this one that says if you don't feel pain when you exercise,
you're not doing it right.

The truth is absolutely opposite: exercise done right should
never be painful and professional trainers recommend that you
stop your workout at the first sign of pain. The logic behind
"no pain, no gain" says that you can't expect good results
without sacrificing something - twisted at best, downright
sadistic at worst.

Exercise should be something you enjoy or else you very quickly
become disillusioned and drop it entirely. While an intense
workout may create slight discomfort, it should never get to the
point where you are in actual pain.

2. Training with weights bulks women up - Few women want to look
like professional bodybuilders, so this myth scares thousands of
female exercisers away from weights every day despite scientific
evidence to the contrary.

The physiological differences between male and female bodies
decree that men have a higher percentage of muscle throughout
the body; thus men tend to increase bulk with weight lifting. On
the other hand, female bodies have a higher percentage of fat to
assist with childbearing and have less muscle to build and bulk

Weight training for women is aimed at producing stronger muscles
that can take more stress and bounce back better than ever.

3. Exercising on an empty stomach burns more calories - This one
seems like it should make sense since exercise burns calories
and an empty stomach has no calories to burn. It seems like you
would be ahead of the game!

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Your body needs energy
to run, so when you exercise on an empty stomach the body has to
find fuel somewhere else.

The body tries to provide energy while looking for it at the
same time and can get overwhelmed, resulting in the risk of
dizziness or even fainting in extreme situations.

The smartest choice is to have a small snack about ten to
fifteen minutes before working out. Carbohydrates are the best
source of energy, so have a small slice of toast or a banana.

4. Crunches are the best way of firming up the stomach - Too
many videos and articles send the message that hundreds of
crunches are the best way to correct a jelly belly but fail to
take into account that most saggy abs are because of excess fat,
not weak muscles.

Simply doing crunches alone strengthens the abdominal muscles
but doesn't address the layer of fat over the muscles. You may
see your stomach appear to grow larger since the muscles are
gaining strength underneath the fat layer.

The best strategy for getting firm abs is simple: burn fat and
strengthen abdominal muscles at the same time. By using a
two-pronged approach, fat that covers muscles is burned and the
muscles are firmed at the same time, accomplishing your goal and
giving you strong, sleek abdominal muscles.

5. Protein will help build muscles - Protein can do great things
for your health but it won't help you increase your muscle
strength. Too much protein in your diet can lead to unintended
health risks such as kidney strain or dehydration.

Extra protein also packs extra calories into your diet that can
result in extra pounds - definitely not what you want. The best
source of fuel for weight lifting is carbohydrates - easily
digestible by the body, carbs provide fast, consistent energy
for the body and allow you to continue lifting weights longer.

That alone is what builds strength, not the specific kind of
food you eat. Provide your body with the right kind of energy to
use and you'll be able to build muscle better.

There are many more myths about health and fitness, but the best
defense against false information is education. When you are
confident that you know the right plan for your body, spotting
myths become easy.

Top 5 Cardio Activities

When you want to find the best cardio activity for you, consider
your personal preferences as well as your body. If you hate
getting hot and sweaty during a workout, then running is
probably not for you.

If you like trying new workouts that keep you engaged and
entertained, consider an instructor-led belly dancing class.
People who prefer to exercise alone should probably just avoid
the gym during busy hours.

If you have bad joints, avoid high impact classes like step
aerobics and kick boxing. Everyone is different, not just in
personality but in body as well, and that can mean great things
in terms of workouts.

There is a huge variety of exercises that burn serious calories
and you're sure to find one that appeals to you. To burn fat and
reshape your body, you can't beat cardiovascular exercise.

Getting your heart pumping and boosting your metabolism is what
cardio does best, and it's the only surefire way to lose weight
and get rid of fat. Some cardiovascular activities burn more
calories than others.

They speed up fat loss while reshaping the body, and that makes
them good choices for people who are serious about losing weight
and improving aerobic capacity.

Looking at the top 5 cardiovascular activities, there is great
variety while all maintaining the same purpose of burning major
fat and calories.

Swimming and Water Aerobics

Swimming should be the king of all workouts for its
user-friendly status and low stress on the body. If you fit in
three 45-minute swimming workouts every week, you will see major
changes in your body in just two to three weeks.

Your body becomes buoyant in the water, meaning that it is
supported by the water and does not have to depend on the
muscles nearly as much. If you just stand still in the pool,
your muscles will have very little to do, but when you start
swimming at a brisk pace your muscles become involved with
pushing your body through the water - not an easy task.

That's why swimming burns so many calories; the muscles work
almost twice as hard as in land workouts and torch up to three
times as many calories. Challenge yourself by swimming one lap
breaststroke, one lap backstroke, and still another lap

Freestyle is good but you burn far more calories when you mix it
up and challenge the body to respond.

Water aerobics offer the same support as swimming but instead of
propelling your body from one end of the pool to another you
stand in place in the water and use the water's resistance to
build muscle and burn calories.

Water aerobics frequently use accessories for strengthening
workouts but if you don't have any, don't worry! Just go to your
pool and perform the same toning exercises that you would do in
the gym.

Squats, lunges, leg lifts - when done under water, these
movements become more challenging and require muscles to work
harder, resulting in a higher calorie burn. The best part is
that the support of the water cuts the stress on joints and can
help people with arthritis and other joint disorders to get
exercise back in their lives.

Power Walking (at home)

A power walking life up to its name and requires you to put out
a lot more power than a stroll around the block. In power
walking, you swing your arms back and forth as you walk briskly
- this helps to burn calories as well as propel you through your
walk faster.

Increasing the speed will boost your calorie burn even higher.
An excellent variation for a power walking routine is to add arm
movements a few days per week.

As you walk briskly, raise your arms overhead and bring back
down to the pace of your walk. This can seriously raise your
heart rate and increase your fat burn.

Power Walking (at the gym)

Power walking at the gym is as easy as hopping on the nearest
programmable treadmill and setting off. If you are not sure how
to program the treadmill, ask a trainer or knowledgeable friend
to show you how.

You should choose a walking route that includes inclines and
changes to surprise and challenge your muscles. Most treadmills
that offer these walking programs talk you through the route so
that you are alarmed with the incline increases.

Use the same variation from the home power walking and add arm
movements to increase heart rate and calorie burn.

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing won't burn quite as many calories as swimming or
power walking, but for sheer fun and novelty this workout can't
be beat.

Belly dancing has become wildly popular across the nation in
the past few years and nearly all gyms offer at least one class
for interested parties.

You will work your hips, thighs and waistline in a typical class
as well as increase your aerobic capacity. And who knows, your
belly dancing skill might come in handy some day!

Ashtanga Yoga

The most physical form of yoga is Ashtanga yoga, which uses the
same traditional yoga poses but incorporates powerful aerobic
conditioning at the same time.

You will move quickly and powerfully in a fast-paced routine
that is led by a certified instructor who is experienced in
moves that boost your heart rate and burn the calories.

Ashtanga yoga is still relatively new in some places and it may
be difficult to find a class at first, but more and more gyms
are offering classes. You can find Ashtanga videos at stores
nationwide, so you may want to consider having your own private
session at home.

About the author:
About The Author: Jennifer Felker MS.CSCS. is the author of many
exercise and fitness articles and research papers. Jen is the
publisher of the very poular excersise and fitness blog and can
be found at:

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What Are The Health Benefits Of Hiking And Trekking?

By: Mats Lundkvist

Today more and more people, especially in Europe and America,
are adopting hiking and trekking as a major outdoor event. Not
only in these countries, but the trend of hiking and trekking is
also increasing in many other parts of the world. But have you
ever thought, what are the health benefits of hiking and
trekking? Are these outdoor events really beneficial for health?
Is hiking or trekking for everyone or has some age bar? Does
hiking only has health benefits or are there any psychological
benefits too?

These are some questions which quite often strike in our mind.
If someone seeks answer to these questions, although most of
them are subjective in nature as far as the degree of benefits
is concerned, but certainly the response would be positive. Most
of the people would immediately say, "Yes there are countless
benefits." No doubt, there are many benefits of hiking and
trekking ranging from controlling obesity to preventing heart
disease to improving the quality of air we breathe.

While many sports activities and games require special equipment
or training to get started, the hiking is relatively much
simpler and more beneficial than any other exercise. Literally,
anyone can put on a pair of shoes along with few necessary gears
and equipments and start moving into the woods for a little
fresh air--this is called hiking. The scenery, accessibility and
diverse nature of hiking trails make this heart-healthy pastime
attractive for people of all ages, fitness levels and income
brackets. Moreover, except few points, hiking and trekking don't
require any special expertise and skills.

Hiking or trekking allows us to maintain our body in good
working condition by walking which is really a good exercise. It
improves our physical as well as mental health and the list of
benefits from hiking and trekking is infinite. Hiking is
essentially walking that is considered to be one of the most
perfect forms of exercise for your body. You can get a chance to
spend some quality time together with the Mother Nature, so it
also provides a mental health antidote. Everyone can find trails
to suit their physical strengths. And unlike other activities or
sports, it is a pursuit that allows people to determine their
own limitations.

Many research findings and studies show that hiking is an
excellent way to lose extra pounds and improve overall health.
To improve overall health, we don't necessarily need to do heavy
and painful workouts, but just a short brisk walk of few minutes
can be more than sufficient. According to the American Heart
Association, it's best to walk vigorously for 30 to 60 minutes
3-4 times per week. But even low- to moderate intensity walking
can have both short- and long-term benefits . Similarly,
According to Walking for Health, people "won't find a better way
to lose weight than walking." The results will be more permanent
and pleasurable than any diet or weight loss scheme.

For example, in December, 2001, the US surgeon general called
the increased rate of obesity in the United States an epidemic.
The report states that 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese,
and the number is increasing year after year. In addition,
thirteen percent of children are overweight. The report
recommends that communities create safe sidewalks or walking
trails to encourage physical activity . Not only these, but
there are many more research findings that clearly show multiple
health benefits of hiking and trekking.

When it comes to enlist the health benefits, then the list may
go endless consisting of several mental as well as physical
health benefits, such as losing excess pounds, preventing heart
disease, decreasing hypertension or high blood pressure,
improving and maintaining mental health, slowing the aging
process, preventing osteoporosis, improving the quality of the
air we breathe, preventing and controlling diabetes, improving
arthritis, relieving back pain (which has become an epidemic in
the modern contemporary world along with healthy habits for a
healthy life i.e. team building skills, positive attitude,
kindness, empathy,

At last but not the least, hiking has countless health benefits
and the beauty is that it doesn't cost you much. Moreover, while
at hiking you can take other family members and your young
children along with you without much difficulty. Indeed, it is a
good idea to spend more time with your family and children. For
young children, it helps improve their physical stamina and team
building skills.

Friends, just go for a hike, and see what we mean. Happy hiking!

About the author:
Passionate hiker and avid backpacker with exceptional field
experience. Lundkvist combines his education and career with his
love of nature and being outdoors. Trekking is his call to fame.
Find him at: http://www.mytrekkingpoles.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Why You Need To Develop Your Muscles

By: Rene Graeber

Let us look at some reasons why some people decide to stay fit
all their lives. We shall also see how the fitness concern
started from a mere whim to a serious life task.


As you continue to enjoy the macho image, confidence, and
fashion, you may eventually realize the healthy feeling that
bodybuilding gives you. You feel less tired and stressed out
after office hours than most of your officemates. You seldom get
the common cold and flu than the rest. You face every challenge
with vigor and gusto, and never seem to run out of energy. As
you enjoy all of these, you realize the health benefits of
pumping iron, not to mention the youthful look that does not
seem to fade even with age. Bodybuilders are known to have their
skins stretched out tight and wrinkle-free - no sagging, flabby
fat hanging anywhere. Soon, you do bodybuilding more out of
health concerns rather than for trivial reasons. As you go
through life and see how the ailing and bedridden suffer
terribly due to failing health, you hang on to great physical
condition as you keep up with your muscle sculpturing. Discipline

Many bodybuilders get past the muscle sculpturing mania thing
and go forward to a rigidly regulated life to get the most of
it. Many serious bodybuilders are often heard saying, It is
useless to build muscles and destroy your internal organs.
However, many vain bodybuilding enthusiasts sculpture their
muscles for the sake of external beauty, and ignore their inner
health. They engage in incessant drinking, smoking, and other
acts that abuse their health. Later, these cause serious
diseases that slowly reverse whatever gains they have in their
past workouts. Security

Many say we live in a more hostile world today. Consequently,
many bodybuilders today are not as interested in image or
fashion as they are in defending themselves and their love ones
in case of danger. A growing number of men and women take up gym
lessons as a cross training for self-defense. Modern action and
suspense movies even stress this need. Media can play powerfully
on the imagination of people today. People have always thought
that the stronger you are, the better your chances in a survival
of the fittest. Armies of superpower nations include serious gym
training for muscle build-up. They use the developed muscles not
only for hand-to-hand combat, but also for carrying heavy arms
and equipment. Better Athletics

Many athletes today understand the role of muscle development in
perfecting skills and performance. Its not just having muscles
for building the image anymore. They realize that muscles must
be subjected to tough conditions in order to handle extreme
demands during a performance or competition. In addition, strong
and flexible muscles are easily commanded by the will and the
mind to obedience. It is hard to tell your leg muscles to run
faster when they get strained or tired easily. Job Stability

The number of people who see the connection between their stable
jobs and their health grows by the minute worldwide. Most
companies seldom retain sickly people. In this light, more and
more people are becoming health-conscious. They seriously
incorporate in their daily rigor weight training, whether light
or heavy. Physical conditioning also keeps them smart and alert
to do their jobs accurately and satisfactorily. Physical
conditioning gives you good blood and oxygen circulation. This
gives the brain the substantial amount of blood and oxygen it
needs to perform better. Happiness for the Family

Many parents take up body building seriously to keep up with
their growing kids. Kids have ample supplies of energy. Parents
who want to enjoy the growing up years of their children stay
fit to cope up with their kids energy. Kids can go biking,
running, playing, swimming and laughing all day long. Then,
before lights off, they still want their parents to tell them
bedtime stories at night. These factors, plus keeping a stable
job or business, make up for a happy family. Productive Life

In both your youth and adulthood, you would want to get the best
out of life. You are an ccomplishment-oriented being. This is
what keeps humans apart from animals. As you plan to reach this
and that goal, chances are, you would realize that life is
short. Then you would want to prolong it anyway you can. For
sure, health would be a serious concern to you. Then
bodybuilding would seriously come into mind. It is a rule that
good health means you have to lift some weights to strengthen
your body. From simple walking, running, and jumping, to the
complications of lifting barbells, the principle is that you
have to lift some weights in order to stay in shape.

In all the previously mentioned, you read the reasons why people
resort to bodybuilding. You also learned how the reasons could
evolve from vain to serious ones. If you take life seriously,
you may also want to consider launching a discipline in muscle

About the author:
If you want to possess a well-sculpted muscular physique
everybody else would be dying to have, then visit the free info
website at

Sunday, March 26, 2006


By: Douglas Adams

Substances, including vitamins A, C and E and the trace elements
selenium, manganese and zinc, thought to protect the cells from
destructive oxidation by free radicals.

Free radicals are compounds naturally produced in the body. They
contain one or more unpaired electrons, or electrical charges,
and are therefore unstable. To achieve stability, free radicals
borrow or steal electrons from stable compounds. This process
allows formerly stable compounds to become reactive and cause
the oxidation that may interfere with normal cell function and
possibly mutate cells.

Peroxides are among the free radicals that are byproducts formed
when fat molecules react with oxygen. Free radicals are also
formed by radiation and are present in air pollution, ozone and
cigarette smoke. Other examples of oxidation are the rusting of
iron and the browning of apples and lettuce left exposed to the
air. Oxidation also occurs when cooking fats become rancid.

In a six month study at the Washington University School of
Medicine, 11 young men were given supplemental antioxidants
consisting of 600 International Units of vitamin E, 1,000
milligrams of vitamin C, and 30 milligrams of beta carotene
daily. A nine man control group was given a placebo supplement.
After running for 35 minutes on a treadmill at the beginning and
of the end of the study, free radical production was measured in
each group. The vitamin users produced 17 to 36 percent fewer
free radicals than the control group.

About the author:
Douglas Adams is the owner of , a
website dedicated to increasing knowledge of health related

For high quality health care products visit

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Reduce Indoor Allergens, Reduce Asthma Attacks

By: Richard Douglas

Minor adjustments to your everyday routine can yield enormous
results when it comes to preventing asthma attacks. How you ask.
Let's look at just one kind of asthma. Extrinsic, or allergic,
asthma is instigated by environmental triggers. Most childhood
asthma falls in the extrinsic category. It is more frequent in
boys than girls. Asthma is the most common childhood illness,
accounting for 10 million lost school days annually. Asthma
affects 5 million children in the U.S. Common culprits are

- air conditioning

- air pollution, including atmospheric ozone

- animal saliva, urine and dander

- bacteria

- chemicals (particularly hexachlorophene, formalin, ethylene

- cockroaches

- cold air

- colds and upper respiratory tract infections

- drugs (especially aspirin, cimetidine, antibiotics, beta

- dust mites and their droppings

- exertion (especially if strenuous and in cold air)

- food additives or preservatives (especially tartrazine or
sulfur dioxide)

- fungal spores

- fumes (e.g., paint) As you can see, many of these causes are
found in the home. So how can we do a better job fighting asthma
in our indoor environments?

Here are some tips:

- Dust frequently.

- Vacuum frequently; use a cylinder vacuum instead of an upright
model. Using a HEPA, or high efficiency particulate air, vacuum
is optimum. These vacuums are equipped with high-spec pre-filter
and filter systems; they are sealed, allergen-free and designed
to remove and trap allergens such as bacteria and mold-filled
dust that normal vacuums can't.

- Clean carpeting and drapes regularly. Carpet is a huge hideout
for asthma allergens, harboring dust mites and pet dander--the
two most common triggers of childhood asthma.

- Replace carpeting with non-fibrous flooring, such as tile or
hardwood, particularly in the bedroom.

- Replace feather pillows and down comforters with those
containing synthetic fibers; use a plastic mattress cover.

- Wash bedding in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill
dust mites and remove allergens. Alternately, you can place
bedding in an airtight container for 48 hours.

- Place stuffed toys in the freezer for 24 hours or in an
airtight container for 48 hours to kill dust mites.

- Wear a scarf over your nose and mouth in cold weather.

- Monitor the pollen count in spring, summer and fall; avoid
open fields when pollen counts are high.

- Always keep your medication with you in case of an attack.
Using an air filter can also help prevent asthma attacks.
Following are some different options:

- Use an HEPA air filter. They feature a minimum particle
removal efficiency of 99.97% for all particles 0.3 microns in
diameter and larger. This size covers most pollen, mold spores,
animal hair and dander, dust mites, bacteria, smoke particles
and dust.

- Use an air purifier. They are classified according to the
technology they utilize to remove different-sized particles from
the air. Certain models use a chemical process, such as
ozonization, to purify the air.

- Install a large room unit air purifier. These air purifiers
utilize strong filters or collecting plates; some large units
use electrostatic precipitation. These purifiers are highly
effective at removing pollutants, particularly smoke and dirt,
from large areas. They are more effective as single room units
than as fixed central air filters.

- Install air filters. The efficiency of different models is
measured by the size of particles they can remove from the air.
They are classified in two categories: central filtration, or
induct, systems and portable units with fan attachments. Central
filtration systems are installed in heating, ventilation and air
conditioning systems. Asthmatics should choose a HEPA filter
that can trap very small and very large particles.

- Use a tabletop air purifier. These models are equipped with
small panels of dry, loosely packed, low-density fiber filters
and a high-velocity fan. Although these models are fairly
inexpensive, be sure that the specifications match your
requirements to remove very small particles from the air that
can trigger asthma attacks.

About the author:
Find out more about Asthma and the things we can do to battle
this ailment. Learn more about asthma

Runners CAN Train on a Treadmill

By: Cyndi Schoenhals

If you're a runner, training on a treadmill can be a
beneficial part of your training.
No, it isn't perfect!
Nevertheless, a treadmill does have some advantages.

A positive aspect of using a treadmill to work on your running
skills is that you are training in a sheltered, controlled
environment. The weather won't interrupt your treadmill
training. You can train any time of day or night, without having
to worry about your personal safety. You can even catch up on
the news or watch a movie as you train!

For beginning runners, a treadmill may be the ideal way to
train. If you throw a beginner in with more experienced runners,
they will likely feel intimidated. Training on a treadmill in
the beginning will allow a novice runner to gain experience,
build endurance and speed, and improve self-confidence before
joining more advanced athletes in the sport.

When training on a treadmill with a heart rate monitor, you can
easily judge and adjust your running intensity. Also, a good
treadmill will display your speed, distance traveled, pace,
incline level, and calories burned. These indicators are great
for monitoring each workout and areas of improvement.

With a variety of training programs to choose from on a
treadmill, the runner may choose a desired workout program. Or,
the runner has the option of manually controlling speed,
distance, time, and incline level, thus, designing a workout
that practically mimics one that the runner would experience

Training on a treadmill greatly diminishes the chance of a
running injury.
Because a treadmill workout is done on a
smooth running belt that reduces impact and eliminates obstacles
that could get in the runner's path outside, there is virtually
little or no risk of injury to knees, back, and joints.

Additional advantages of treadmill training include:

* A treadmill provides a good opportunity for the runner to work
on his/her running form...without having to worry about
stumbling over obstacles in the path, uneven surfaces, or any
other outdoor distractions.

* Training on a treadmill makes it more convenient to have
plenty of fluids on hand during the workout, as well as having
the convenience of a bathroom nearby.

*A treadmill allows for a consistent workout. It eliminates the
guesswork concerning how fast you are running, how far you've
run, the consistency of your pace, and so on.

On the con side, a treadmill workout fails to provide wind
resistance, such as you would encounter when running outdoors.
After all, you are running in place on a treadmill...indoors,
out of the wind. When you run outdoors, you run through the air,
creating resistance. The faster you run, the greater the wind
resistance affects you.

Although you can adjust the incline level on a good running
treadmill, the treadmill still doesn't provide the changes in
terrain that you might encounter when running outside. You're
certainly not going to stumble over a stone or be hindered by
soft sand when running on a treadmill.

When you run outdoors, you depend solely upon your own power to
carry you along. A treadmill has a moving belt, however, that
helps propel you along. It is questionable as to whether the
runner is fully using his/her potential when running on a

Training on a treadmill can be boring! It takes discipline to
run in place, going nowhere, all alone, for any length of time.
So, although treadmill training may be great for developing
dedication, self-discipline, and self-motivation, it may seem
quite tedious as compared to running outside.

Additional disadvantages to training on a treadmill

* The runner's stride may not be the same on a treadmill as it
is outdoors.

* The runner may be tempted to hang onto the handles or side
rails of a treadmill for support during a workout.

* The runner may lean less on a treadmill rather than focusing
on forward momentum.

* The availability of a treadmill could be an issue. The runner
either would have to buy one (which could be quite costly), join
a gym, or know someone who owns a treadmill that could he/she
could use regularly.

You may be a beginning runner or a more advanced athlete. Either
way, training on a treadmill just may be the solution to your
training needs!

About the author:
Cyndi Schoenhals is a certified personal trainer and author of
the I Hate Diets
Approach to Weight Loss

Exercise Cellulite Away

By: David Chandler

A simply analogy that describes cellulite is skin that appears
to have a cottage cheese appearance. The lumpy appearance of the
skin is actually deposits of fat and/or water that are trapped
in the connective tissue beneath the skin. The most common areas
for cellulite to develop are on the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite develops from a number of reasons. The main causes
though are circulation problems, water retention, and dietary
factors that include food additives, chemical preservatives, &
hormones. In addition, lack of exercise, excess ingestion of
saturated fats and sugar and poor hydration are other factors in
developing cellulite.

Reducing or Eliminating the Appearance of Cellulite

There are ways in which you can reduce or even eliminate
cellulite. However, to rid your body of this condition will take
discipline to exercise. Below is a fitness program to get you on
your way to better looking skin.

As with any exercise program, a warm-up is required to reduce
the threat of strain or injury on your muscles. A good warm-up
exercise could be 15 minutes of aerobic dance, and some general

After you have done your warm up, you are ready to begin your
exercise regiment. The first exercise should be strength
exercises or weight training. Start out with lightweights and
then as your program progresses, raise the weights to a higher

Recommendations for exercise are to do at least 15 minutes of
strength exercises. In addition, you should do 10 repetitions of
each exercise for the targeted area. After completion of 10
repetitions, you should do a few stretching exercise for about
20 seconds. Stretching out the targeted muscle will increase
flexibility and increase strength. Increasing strength will
build muscle thus eliminating cellulite.

For example, if your thighs are the problem area, use exercises
that are designed for the thighs. These could be leg lefts or
side leg lifts. In addition, there is exercise equipment
exclusively made for thighs.

If cellulite is on the buttocks, there are a number of ways to
eliminate it. Doing lunges or squat exercises would be one way.
Moreover, to increase the effects of your exercises, consider
adding weights to you ankles or holding weights at your side.
Exercise machines are another possibility to get you on your way
to reducing or eliminating cellulite.

There is no easy cure for cellulite. Reducing its appearance or
eliminating it altogether takes some work and dedication. A good
exercise regimen will not only improve your cellulite, it will
promote a sense of well being and improved health all around.

About the author:
For more information about cellulite, visit Cellulite

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Difference Between Vegan & Vegetarian

If you recently started reading about vegetarian
diets, you have probably read all sorts of
strange vegetarian terms and categories like "vegan,"
"ovo-lacto vegetarian," and "semi-vegetarian."
You probably wondered what the big deal was.
Afterall, what is so conceptually tough about not
eating meat?

And you were right!

The distinctions between these sub-categories of
vegetarian are actually small, but each is very important
to members who belong to the groups. For them, these
distinctions aren’t arbitrary lines; they are important
dietary or ethical decisions.

Let’s take a look at some of these groups:


Vegetarian is a blanket term used to describe a person
who does not consume meat, poultry, fish, or seafood.
This grouping includes vegans and the various sub-
categories of vegetarian; however, it generally implies
someone who has less dietary restrictions than a vegan.


The term semi-vegetarian is usually used to describe
someone who is not actually a vegetarian. Semi-vegetarian
generally implies someone who only eats meat occasionally
or doesn’t eat meat, but eats poultry and fish.


Ovo-lacto vegetarians are vegetarians who do not consume
meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do consume eggs and
milk. This is the largest group of vegetarians.


Ovo-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who
would be a vegan if they did not consume eggs.


Lacto-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone
who would be a vegan if they did not consume milk.


Vegan is the strictest sub-category of vegetarians.
Vegans do not consume any animal products or byproducts.
Some even go as far as not consuming honey and yeast.
Others do not wear any clothing made from animal

Take some time to figure out what group you will belong
to when you become a vegetarian. You will want to consider
both dietary and ethical reasons for choosing this

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feeling Younger as you get Older – How Exercise Keeps You Young

Lack of activity makes us feel lethargic and depressed. If sitting around lets us gets old, then perhaps we should consider that getting up and moving keeps aging on a slower track. There are plenty of ways to keep you moving no matter what age or what condition. You first need to check your attitude and make sure that your preconceptions about being a senior are not getting in the way of your activity. Once you can let go of what you think you should be doing at your age, then you are taking the first step toward feeling younger.

Exercise actually does help us stay younger. On a surface level, getting the blood moving keeps the skin warm, which helps it rejuvenate itself more often. Circulation also keeps the mind sharp and helps ward off dementia. Keeping an active lifestyle is great for keeping us limber. If you have ever met a 70 year-old person who can touch their toes and reach to the third shelf in their kitchen, they will probably tell you that they have always kept themselves active. Staying active is the key to remaining flexible through the senior years. Yet another benefit to exercising on a regular basis is that it keeps blood flowing through the organs. Along with plenty of water, this process helps remove the toxins through and out of your body, which means that they do not have time to fester and find ways to break you down. Whether you bicycle, golf, walk, swim, dance, do tai chi or all of the above, you are keeping your heart, organs and brain circulating which keeps the body from slowing down.

Exercise also keeps you young because it helps keep you happy. If you have been through a traumatic time in your life then you may have noticed that fresh wrinkles and extra gray hair are more abundant soon after your life gets back to normal. Day to day unhappiness and bitterness can also speed up the aging process. People who exercise still go through difficult times, but the effect that the body allows this time to have on it is not as severe for them. The activity helps release the stress chemicals which the brain produces and keeps the head more clear so it can cope better. The overall demeanor of people who do physical exercise of some kind at least once or twice a week is not a coincidence. They really do feel better because their body is constantly refreshing itself.

Most exercise can be done with other people, or at least, done in an environment where people like to congregate. Keeping socially active helps motivate the self to commit to social engagements, whether that is the local swim class or a night out square-dancing. Seniors look out for each other and will be asking for you if they don’t see you one night. These friendships made through your exercise classes or activities will help you stay young too. Being out and about keeps your mind off yourself and out of routines where you do not see people as often. Take advantage of the variety of activities for seniors at your local clubs and gyms and you will find yourself feeling younger and more alive.

So, perhaps you can accept that the exercising person stays healthier, happier and younger in appearance for longer, but how do you actually feel younger than you are? Think back to the 70 year-old who has never missed out on touching their toes. They are actually ahead of the game for their age. This is bound to make them feel younger. It would be nice if everyone in their seventies had stayed this flexible and hopefully you can become a role model for the healthy senior and spread the word. If all 70 year-olds were this flexible then it would still be a win situation. Having that many healthy seniors would change the culture about becoming one. Until then, there is nothing wrong with you feeling great for your age, in fact, feeling young for your age. It is even possible that you would feel better than you can remember feeling for years if you allow yourself to take advantage of all the activities around you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Take the Homeopath Way

Natural cures for everyday Health Issues takes many forms. We call them Grandmas’ old remedies or natural cures, but they are cures without using medications. Do you know how to stop a baby’s hiccups? A little bit of sugar on your finger will take them away after he’s done sucking off the sugar. Another one for hiccups for someone older is to try to scare them out of them, sipping water from a glass upside down, and then there’s my personal favorite. Taking a big, deep breath and holding it until you either turn blue, pass out or your body forces you to breath. And that’s what it does; you can’t voluntarily hold your breath to turn blue.

Some other old remedies I remember from living with my Grandma. Do you have a cold? Then the best thing is to do a sink full of dirty dishes and make the water as hot as you can stand it. Personally, I would just rather go sit in the shower. Have you ever had vapor rubbed on your chest and covered with a piece of flannel? Been there, done that lots of times. Our cough syrup was honey and lemon juice.

Headaches also have many natural cures you can try. Exercise is a good idea, a brisk walk will get your blood circulating, release contracted muscles and generally just lets you relax. My personal favorite is a hot bath. The hot water also helps release bunched up muscles and helps you to relax.

Did you know that dehydration could cause headaches? It’s been printed that you need to drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. I have heard the excuse that you don’t like the taste of water, but now it comes in so many flavors and without sugar that excuse is pretty well not usable anymore. In addition, other natural cures for headaches include acupressure, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. You need to press or massage on the fleshy area between thumb and forefinger, that’s one of the pressure points for acupressure.

Other ways to get rid of a nasty headache is to lie down in a dark room avoiding bright lights. Alternate hot and cold washcloths applied to the area where the pain is located. If you haven’t eaten in a while, have something to eat that is nutritious. Do slight neck rolls and shoulder lifts to relieve tense muscles in your shoulder and neck area.

Here are some interesting natural cures for symptoms of pregnancy I wish I’d had when I was pregnant. To relieve symptoms of morning sickness there are natural cures you can do to help the situation. One of the most obvious is to cut out spicy and fatty foods. Another is to stay away from strong odors such as onion, garlic, and coffee. You should eat several small meals a day instead of three big ones. Try eating a few soda crackers with a couple of sips of room temperature water before you get up in the morning. Again, acupressure is recommended by wearing sea bands three quarter of an inch down your wrist in between tendons. Last, eat what sounds good to you. My doctor gave me that advice and it has been good for me throughout my life. Generally, if it sounds good, you can keep it down better.

Heartburn can also be helped by many of the same remedies of morning sickness. Some extra hints are avoiding trigger foods that are acidic, spicy, and fatty. Avoid tight fitting clothing after you’ve eaten which can worsen the symptoms. One other idea, add some slippery elm powder to a cup of tea.

Natural cures are available for arthritis sufferers as well. Ginger extract is a natural anti-inflammatory substance. It takes damaging oxidizing agents out of the body. In other words, it’s an antioxidant. Ginger extract is completely natural and can be taken and have no side effects. Willow has also been used to ease pain. The Greeks used to mash the leaves of the willow plant with a little wine and apply it to the sore area.

Lifestyle changes can significantly impact pain levels of arthritis. Getting some exercise daily will help the joints moving freely and strengthens the joints. Don’t overdo, but a little exercise will go a long way to keep you moving freely. It helps some sufferers if they cut back on certain foods. Some of those foods are red meat, dairy products, and tomatoes. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, include plenty of Vitamin C and you’ll find your joints will feel better but you’re also eating healthier too.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Six-Pack Abs Without Supplements

There’s a good reason why commercials for weight loss supplements always show rock-hard bellies with sharply defined abdominal muscles: everybody wants it! The stomach is the number one area that most people would like to improve and the majority of those people will do almost anything to get those abs except for the one thing it requires: hard work. That’s why supplements are so popular: they promise the results people desire without physical exertion or sweating. Whether or not these supplements actually do any good is up for debate.

The majority of supplements available on the market today use “active” ingredients that are not approved by government agencies as being safe for human use. Many times these ‘special elements’ have no scientific evidence to back up their wild claims. Ingredients such as ma huang, ephedra, and aristolochia have been shown to produce adverse effects like heart palpitations, kidney failure, and, in the most extreme cases, even death. Herbal supplements have no regulatory agency in the United States and thus a manufacturer could put anything in a pill, call it herbal, and then sell it on the market without ever presenting any proof of safety or efficacy. Ingredients are only banned when enough people become ill to raise an alarm. Do you really want to be one of those people just to get the six-pack of your dreams?

The good news is that you can get a killer stomach without drugs or so-called herbal supplements. Through a carefully planned program of exercise, diet and hard work, you can change your belly into the abdominal muscles of your dreams. It may not be as easy as popping a couple of pills but the results are worth it and you’ll enjoy the reward even more since you earned every bit of it on your own.

The first thing you should do is find something to use as a record-keeper and plan book for your program. Exercise journals are fantastic for this purpose because as you enter daily information in the journal, you’re putting together a complete record that can be referred back to in the future. It can also be great encouragement for you to look at how far you’ve come in terms of weight loss and muscle gain. If you have a personal digital assistant (P.D.A.), find an application that allows you to track your workouts and personal statistics. There are dozens of companies that make programs for the P.D.A., so you are sure to find one that makes an application suitable for your handheld. If you prefer to remain low-tech, buy a basic school notebook and use one page daily to record information about your exercise program. The important information you should be writing down is as follows:

Date (including time of day)


Exercise for the Day

Daily Meals

Measurements (once weekly)

Tracking this information will assist you in figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. Writing down your daily meals is especially important – research shows that the most successful dieters are the ones who keep an honest food journal every day. When you have an accurate count of your daily intake of calories, it’s hard to deny the truth and eat another chocolate chip cookie. Be aware of your calories and you won’t overeat. Another trick from successful dieters is to weigh in daily. While some may disagree, keeping a daily record of weight acts as a check on overeating and skipping workouts – the desire to see the number on the scale drop can prevent any diet misbehavior. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning as soon as you wake up and have emptied your bladder. Try to weigh at the same time every day for the most accurate assessment of your weight. As far as measurements go, taking them weekly is appropriate – that allows enough time to see a real change so you don’t become discouraged. You may want to consider measuring biweekly if you prefer to see more dramatic changes.

Once you are prepared with your exercise log, it’s time to think about an exercise schedule. For the best results you should incorporate cardiovascular exercise with weight training and abdominal work. Exercising aerobically burns fat and calories, and decreases the amount of fat that lies over the abdominal muscles. Many times people do hundreds of sit-ups and never see a change in their bellies – that’s because unless you reduce the fat that covers the muscles, you can’t see the definition underneath. Excellent choices for aerobic workouts are swimming, interval training, and speed walking. You should ideally work out four to five times during the week. Strength training is also important because you need strong muscles in order to power your aerobic training. Additionally muscle burns more calories than fat and takes up less space, too. The final part of your program is the abdominal work itself. Traditional sit-ups are fine but try moves with a twist for an extra boost in metabolism. Pilate’s moves are great for tightening abdominal muscles as is belly dancing. There are a variety of moves and routines you can incorporate into your schedule to move you closer to your ultimate goal of six-pack abs.

Expect to spend at least three months working on your goal. Change doesn’t happen overnight, especially if you have more than five pounds to lose. Stick with it and manage your training log; before you know it, you’ll be sporting killer abs!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

5 Steps To Staying Mentally Sharp And Preventing Alzheimer's

By: Frank Mangano

If you want to stay sharp and in control of your life well into
your golden years, there are proactive methods to achieving the
mental alertness you need. More and more research is pointing to
the fact that physical activity and lifestyle choices have more
to do with preventing Alzheimer s disease (AD) and other forms
of dementia - once thought to be a normal part of aging - than
pure genetics. So if you had a parent, grandparent or sibling
with AD it doesn't mean you have to follow the same path.

Statistics gathered from extensive research do point toward a
higher risk of developing AD if you had a close relative with AD
- as much as 50%, but that has less to do with genes and more to
do with following their lifestyle patterns. If for example, your
parents were smokers who rarely exercised, you may have
developed some of the same destructive habits.

What can you do to break the cycle and prevent AD? Take action
and take control today. Even if you are in your 60s or 70s you
can reverse some of the damage done to your brain through poor
diet, inactivity, or damaging lifestyle choices. Scientists have
discovered very recently that the brain has the ability to
repair cells and neurotransmitters and improve cognitive
function and memory.

It's Not Too Late to Make A Difference: Start the 5 Steps Today

1. Eat Right. It seems so simple, yet too many people just don't
get enough of the mind preserving antioxidants found in fresh
fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet, free of diary
products and using low fat sources of protein will protect both
heart and mind.

2. Supplement where necessary. Many diets lack the nutrients
proven to promote brain health. These include sources of
essential fatty acids found in fish and specific herbs and
minerals that can enhance cognitive function.

3. Exercise. Originally it was thought that exercise increases
blood flow and oxygen to the brain cells. This is still true,
but a report prepared for the National Institutes of Health
states that exercise can also stimulate the production growth
factors, which are molecules produced by the body to repair and
maintain nerves.

4. Lower Your Cholesterol. Many people with early dementia or AD
symptoms may have actually experienced small strokes that
damaged the brain's neurotransmitters. By keeping cholesterol
levels in check, the arteries are free and clear of plaque that
can cause stroke.

5. Do your Mental Exercises. Keeping up with current events,
working puzzles each day, learning and memorizing new
information all work to keeping a mind strong and alert. It is
normal for people to sometimes forget a name or date, but the
more practice recalling such information the greater the brain's
ability to do this throughout old age. In the case of mental
challenges, the more you do the more you can push back the clock
on cognitive decline.

Five easy steps, when you think about it, can do much to make
aging an event to celebrate instead of dread. With age there
comes experience and wisdom, and we should all do whatever is
within our power to be able to pass that on to the next

About the author:
Frank Mangano is an active member of his community who works
diligently providing assistance to senior citizens and probing
as a health advocate to discover new and innovative ways to
promote well being. Discover how you can maintain good mental
health at:

Saturday, March 11, 2006

How Sleep deprivation effects us

Sleep is not only one of the most enjoyable pursuits for most people, but also of vital importance to the body and its upkeep. It is generally considered good practice to get from seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night in order for our brain and body to continue working properly, let our brain cells revive themselves, and rest tired muscles exhausted from a hectic day. When this is interrupted sleep deprivation occurs. There are many characteristics associated with sleep deprivation: memory loss could appear, we could catch cold bugs and flu more easily as our immune system isn’t working properly, or we could suffer accidents because of our drowsiness, the list can go on. To most people who haven’t suffered it, sleep deprivation isn’t a serious problem and we usually don’t take a great deal of notice about someone who complains of being tired all the time. Yet it is a serious illness and it does effect millions of people all year round and all over the world.
Do you suffer from sleep deprivation? It is quite possible that you do but haven’t even considered the possibility. Most people have one or two bad nights, especially parents with young children, and when you are feeling tired during the day you just put it down to ‘that’s life’. But what if you have a serious problem? If you find yourself needing to have an afternoon nap or you feel yourself falling asleep at the wrong times in the wrong places you could be suffering from sleep deprivation. Likewise if you are feeling far from 100% or nervous about something you just can’t quite place. Are you coming down with more colds and flu than normal? This could well be another symptom.
If these sound suspiciously familiar it could be that you need to revise your sleeping habits. A great way to do that is to keep a diary on how long you sleep and other related information. Most people blame their hectic lifestyle and allow themselves to suffer the consequences, but there are plenty of things you can do to improve the situation. Remember that sleep is not a privilege or a luxury but an absolute necessity.
Once you realize that you may have a problem and that it is starting to effect your waking life what exactly can you do? Well, you now have your diary so you can start organizing where, when, and how to sleep. The first necessity is where. The majority of animals make their own nests each night. Gorillas do it. You have to treat your bed as a nest. Don’t eat or read or do anything in it except sleep (ok, and sex). Your bed needs to be as comfortable as possible, making sure it is the right size. Change the linen as many times as possible to create a clean, fresh atmosphere where you can relax in peace. Ventilation is also very important. If possible try to leave a window slightly open at night to add you in breathing. Obviously if you live in Alaska this might not be a viable option. Research shows that going to bed on an empty or full stomach is asking for trouble so try to steer clear of last minute binges before bedtime. Another common mistake is thinking that alcohol makes you sleep better. You may fall asleep more quickly with a couple of beers inside you but it is pretty certain that you will wake up later on in the night because alcohol causes your body to dehydrate and cry out for water.
These are some simple rules for trying to get a better night’s sleep and there are many more. However, if you have a more serious condition then it would be very wise to go and see your doctor, even if you feel it is not important enough. Remember that sleep is not a privilege or a luxury but an absolute necessity.

Top Ten Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is the essential oil steam from a plant unique to Australia and Northern New South Wale. Tea tree oil is unique because it contains over 100 components and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Research has shown that tea tree oil can be used for as an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral property,

Tea tree oil can be used naturally for the following purposes:

Athletes Foot: Athletes foot is commonly known to grow in warm, moist areas between the toes and the sides and soles of feet. It is highly infectious and spreads quickly in locker and shower rooms. Tea tree oil has been shown to treat a wide range of fungal infections and symptoms, including athlete’s foot. To eliminate athlete’s foot is recommended to wrap the shoes affected in plastic warp and place in freezer overnight to kill the germs. Wash the socks separately and add two capfuls of tea tree oil to the wash. In addition apply two to three drops of tea tree oil to the affected area on the feet. Continue to do this daily.

Treat Cold and Flu: Cold and flu symptoms can be treated by using tea tree oil. For sore throats, it is recommends to add ten drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water and gargle. Do this twice a day. This treatment will help clear mucus and kill bacteria.

Congestion: Adding about ten drops of tea tree oil in a vaporizer will help clear chest and nasal congestion. Using this treatment at the onset of symptoms will aid in killing germs and bacteria.

Oral Thrush: Oral thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth. It is very common in babies and children. Thrush can be treated using tea tree oil. Make a mouthwash using one capful of tea tree oil to twelve ounces of water. Gargle and rinse for three times a day. You can also apply two to three drops of the oil on the toothbrush to help kill the germs.

Toothaches and gum infections: While waiting for a dental appointment, tea tree oil can help alleviate the symptoms of toothaches. Apply tea tree oil directly to the infected area. The oil will penetrate the gums and help kill the bacteria causing the pain.

Cold Sores and Canker Sores: Both cold sores and canker sores can be treated with tea tree oil by applying the oil directly to the sore two times a day. For sores in the mouth make a rinse using two capfuls of oil and gargle twice a day.

Head Lice: Head lice or louse can be treated by adding ten drops of tea tree oil to shampoo. The hair and scalp should be wet and lathered thoroughly. Use a fine toothed- comb before shampoo is rinsed off. Avoid direct contact with eyes when washing hair with tea tree oil. This method should be use several times along with treating the house and all of the infected bedding. Tea tree oil can be added to the wash when washing the sheets and bedding.

Insect Bites: A drop or two of tea tree oil can be applied directly onto an insect bite or sting to help alleviate swelling, itching and redness.

Skin Irritations and Sunburns: Using several drops of tea tree oil added to bath water can help reduce the swelling and itching from skin irritations. In addition the same method can be used to help the symptoms of minor sunburns.

Bug Repellant: Bugs seem to dislike tea tree oil. The oil can be used to deter ants, roaches and other pests. Put a few drops of the oil where the pests are coming from. You can also wipe pantries and cupboards with a mixture of water and tea tree oil and this will make the bugs leave. Rubbing the mattress with pure tea tree oil will help deter dust mites. A few drops of oil added directly into a vacuum cleaner bag or canister will help kill dust mites often found in carpeting.

Caution should be used when using tea tree oil around pets. It should not be used with cat, as it has proven fatal to cats that have accidentally ingested the product.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Yard Work, A Great Workout for seniors

Staying fit can be quite a chore. Making the time and mustering energy to go to a gym or even to use home exercise equipment can be challenging, and what do we have to show for the time we spend (besides the knowledge that we’re staying healthy)? That’s why you may find that, rather than exercising for the sake of exercise, you prefer to work in your yard. It’s a fun and fulfilling way to keep active and keep your house and yard looking its best.

Many seniors will hire neighborhood youngsters to perform their yard work for them. Others prefer to get outside and do it their self. Doing your own yard work not only allows you to get a light, enjoyable workout, but you can also make sure the yard looks exactly the way you would like it to look. In addition, you derive a great deal of personal pride and satisfaction from doing the work yourself.

Nothing compares with the simple pleasure of working out of doors. Whether surrounded by the warmth of the summer sun, the changing leaves of fall, the crisp air of winter or the blossoming flowers of spring, working outdoors connects us with nature and provides us with a deep and abiding feeling of well-being.

No matter what the season, there’s work to be done in the yard. With the coming of spring, it’s time for a trip to the lawn and garden section of the local store. There you can pick up grass seed, fertilizer, soil and mulch and seeds for your garden. If your arthritis is acting up, you may enlist the aid of a neighbor or member of your church for help in moving the heavier bags.

It’s a joy to listen to the birds return while you walk slowly behind your fertilizer spreader while clearing the ground and turning over the soil in your garden beds (You can also add compost collected the year before). Later, when the threat of a late-season frost has ended, it’s time to plant the seeds. Purchase a gardening stool to sit on as you work in a particular area. This helps keep the ache out of your knees and back.

During the long summer months, you can mow your lawn (Try a self-prepared mower to avoid too much strain), and water and weed your garden. Besides getting out of the house, and providing you with much needed exercise, it’s rewarding to watch your lovely flowers and vegetables grow out of the earth and to their full size.

Fall is a time of harvesting vegetables, raking leaves, and cleaning up the yard in anticipation of winter. You will find it also helps to apply a high potassium fertilizer just before the winter sets in. You can also reseed thin or bare areas.

During the winter months, keep the sidewalk clear of snow with frequent sweeping. Accept help from the neighbors when the snow gets too deep or the sidewalk is icy—it’s always important to avoid overexertion. Friends in the south have the pleasure of maintaining flower gardens year round, planting cool weather seeds for the winter months. Such are the joys of living in southern states!

In order to keep the workload light, try and make a point of getting outdoors each day. Your daily walk around the yard will always turns up some task that needs doing, from picking up fallen sticks and branches, to pulling out weeds. This daily inspection means that you get out every day, and don’t allow the work to pile up!

For those of us who need a helping hand in the yard, the United Way supports a number of local volunteer agencies that will send a strong back to your aid. In this way, we seniors need not shy away from yard work in general for fear of the one or two tasks we may not be able to accomplish on our own. Ask about these programs at your neighborhood senior center, or call the United Way.

By diligently performing daily maintenance, yard work presents a great exercise for seniors. Not only does it provide an opportunity to keep muscles and joints flexible, but it also gives the exercise a sense of purpose. An attractive lawn, lovely flowerbeds and delicious vegetables are the rewards for this type of exercise. I highly recommend yard work as exercise for my senior friends.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Six Weight Loss Tricks

The most basic approach to weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in, but sometimes no matter what you do it just doesn’t seem to be working. When you need an ace up your sleeve for a critical moment, try one of these tricks to jump-start your weight loss.

Add weights to your routine.

Adding weight-lifting to your routine is one of the fastest ways to see results. Your body will respond almost immediately, shaping and toning muscle, and remember, the more muscle you have, the more fats you burn! To determine the weight you should start with, grab a 5-lb. dumbbell and do as many bicep curls as possible. If you can do more than ten reps comfortably, use a higher weight. On the other hand, if you can’t do more than eight repetitions without strain, try using a 3-lb. weight instead. For those of you already training with weights, go up to the next highest weight to see results. If you don’t have weights at your home, it is highly recommended that you invest in a set that ranges from three to ten pounds. These usually cost less than $30 and are well worth the investment.

Increase the intensity.

During your cardio workout routine, assess the intensity level to determine how hard you’re working. If you can carry on a conversation with ease while exercising, it’s time to boost the intensity. You can do that by taking deeper strides as you move and placing a greater demand on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, which in turns burns more calories. The best way to gauge the intensity of a workout is to pretend to carry on a conversation. You should be able to speak in short sentences with a breath after each one. Never exercise to the point where you cannot talk.

Shake up your routine.

Despite being called a routine, your exercise program should keep you interested. Add different activities for variety and you not only maintain your concentration but also constantly challenge your body to meet new obstacles and developing more than just a few muscles. More muscles equal a greater calorie burn – what’s not to love? Try new activities that keep your mind engaged and experience an extra boost for your brain!

Give your diet a makeover.

The daily diet is most frequently the worst problem area when you’re trying to lose weight. Between home and work and the responsibilities that come with each, it can be almost impossible to find healthy choices at the last minute. Spare yourself the daily scrounging and stock up on healthy foods that can be ready at a moment’s notice. Make a point to stash some of your good-for-you snacks at work so that when the mid-afternoon cravings hit, you have something satisfying and diet-friendly.

Challenge yourself.

Set personal goals for yourself and don’t forget to reward your accomplishment! If your goal is to be more active at work, buy a pedometer and challenge yourself to take 6,000 steps during your workday. Be creative about it: walk to a colleague’s desk rather than email, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and go to the bathroom three floors down instead of the one on your floor. Challenging yourself can be very fulfilling on a personal level when you achieve your goals, and can encourage you on to greater achievement.

Keep a food journal.

One of the most common characteristics of successful dieters is keeping a daily journal of food intake. There’s no real mystery about this: when you must write down everything that goes in your mouth, it forces you to realize exactly how many calories you consume. Keeping a journal is also beneficial because you can pick up patterns in your eating – for instance, if you become ravenous at a certain time everyday or if your meals and snacks are too far apart. It can also be helpful to note your frame of mind when you eat or mention the circumstances. Binging as soon as you get home from work could indicate a stressful job or it could mean it’s just been too long since lunch. A basic food journal requires you to enter the food you ate, number of calories, amount of fat, and how much you consumed. This can be expanded as much as necessary to meet individual needs. Just make sure you review it every few days to spot any habits that need to be brought under control.

Eating Healthy In A Fast Food World

By: D. David Dugan

Rushing to Eat

People's lives have become so busy and rushing around, that we
no longer eat the way we should. In some places, there is a
McDonald's on every major corner, if not some other fast food
restaurant. Watching TV, you see a commercial for some kind of
food place almost every time commercials are on, urging you to
eat there because it's good and you can get it fast and cheap.
With so many distractions and obligations, families have these
days, how do you eat healthy in a fast food world? It's not an
easy thing to do but is possible with planning and knowing what
to look for. This isn't to say fast food can't be consumed
occasionally, but it should be less often than people are doing
it now. Not to mention that our food is so processed that it
takes five minutes to cook and has high carbohydrates among
other things that are not digested quickly. This is leading to
obesity in the population.

The Truth About Whole Grain

Because food is so processed these days to make it faster to
cook, as well as more convenient for the way our lives have
become, it is actually not as good for you as it once was.
Recently the food administration even changed the food pyramid
to coincide with how we eat these days and food is made. They
are suggesting more whole grains than ever before, as well as
vegetables. This may sound like what has been told to children
for years, but even whole grains are deceiving on packaging
these days. With all the new diets out there for low carb, no
carb, low fat, no fat, etc., foods are coming out that say whole
grain but are just as processed as its white counterpart. They
are made with enriched wheat. This process takes out all the
nutrients and other things that take time to digest for a
healthy life. Reading the ingredient is a good way to find the
real whole grain product. They are now more expensive than the
over processed product because manufacturers could make the
enriched version cheaper and faster. To eat healthy you have to
read the labels of everything you consume.

Healthy Choices at Fast Food Eateries

The truth is that you really can't eat healthy at any fast food
restaurant. They aren't designed for those trying or needing to
watch what they put in their mouth. But you can make better
decisions. Don't' eat the bread if you can stand not too. It's
along the lines of the South Beach Diet but that's where lots of
your weight gaining properties are. Don't get anything fried,
this includes French fries, onion rings, or even fried chicken.
Get a diet pop, tea, or water. Avoid the desert and the salad,
both have sugar in them and I don't just mean in the toppings.
Watch "Super Size Me" for a real eye opener. The show is on
McDonald's but you can bet that all fast food restaurants are
basically the same. Limit how often you eat fast food to once
per week, if that fast. Get a wrap at Subway instead of a
toasted sub. Less bread and just as filling with all the fixings
you want. When you get pizza, get vegetables on it so you aren't
just eating bread, sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. Remember just
how bad fast food is for you, your waistline, and your
cholesterol. Even if you are fifteen, you should be thinking
about how it will affect you later in life. Starting early will
make it easier on your body as you age.

Eating at Home

The best thing to do is find a way to cook meals most nights of
the week. This can take planning and team work. Have at least
one non-meat dish every week. It doesn't have to be fish or
seafood either. Don't use fast cooking rich to go with your
meals. Those are again loaded with carbohydrates, which take
your body longer to break down and will make you hungry sooner
than you should be. Plan weekly meals so that you can cook
casseroles and other easy to reheat dishes early in the week for
days you will not have time to cook. Utilize your crock-pot and
get a recipe book for it. You can make just about anything in a
crock pot these days and have a good meal when you get home.
Have salad a few times a week with dinner, but watch how much
dressing you put on it. Have desert, but make it Jell-O. Indulge
once in a while to though and it won't feel like you are
depriving yourself of anything.

About the author:
D. David Dugan is a supporter of,
a site devoted to promoting good health, and
, a site designed to provide people of all ages helpful
retirement information.

Monday, March 06, 2006

You are what you eat – Nutrition Basics for the Clueless

Reaching your weight goal is simply a matter of burning more calories than you take in. However, that can be very difficult when you want to see overall body health improvement as well as weight loss. Good nutrition skills are a must in this case. Proper nutrition can help to reduce your risk of a variety of health problems including heart disease and cancer. This, however, entails eating many different foods, watching your consumption of some food and beverage items, and counting calories. Good diets offer balanced nutrition that reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and aids in weight loss.

To function properly, your body must have the correct combination of nutrients. Carbohydrates are one nutrient your body requires. They are the primary source of ammunition in your diet. The body uses them to build glucose which can be used immediately or stored in your body for later. Too much glucose, though, is stored as fat. There are both simple and complex types of carbohydrates. Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Starches and fibers are complex carbohydrates. Proteins are another important nutrient. Proteins help your body build and fix muscles and other tissues. They also function in the creation of hormones. Like carbohydrates, excess protein is stored as fat.

Animal and vegetable proteins are the two major types. Too much animal protein, though, can cause high cholesterol, as it is high in saturated fat. Odd as it may sound; fat is another nutrient your body requires. It comes in both saturated and unsaturated forms. Saturated fat puts you at risk of health problems. Unsaturated fat is healthy, but if it goes through any type of refinement process, it can become saturated fat. Vitamins are also required nutrients. Different vitamins perform different tasks within the body. They can work with the metabolism to help with energy levels for any task you can think of that you need your body to perform. It has also been noted that certain vitamins can prevent disease.

For example, vitamins A, C, and E, also called antioxidants, can assist with the prevention of coronary artery disease by keeping build up from occurring on artery walls. Vitamin B-1 is needed for digestion and proper nervous system function. Vitamin B-2 is needed for normal cell growth. Vitamin B-3 helps to detoxify your body. Folic acid assists with production of red blood cells. Vitamin D assists with the absorption of calcium. Vitamin K helps your blood clot. Minerals and trace elements are another nutrient your body requires. Both are used in all sorts of different body processes. Minerals like chlorine help make your digestive juices. Phosphorus helps build strong bones. Both can be found in the foods we consume, but with a trace element, your body just needs a tiny amount. Salt is one final nutrient your body requires. You should not consume more than 2400 milligrams per day, though, as it might raise your blood pressure.

You should follow several guidelines to create a well balanced, nutritional diet. First, try to consume two and one half cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit each day. When making your selections for each day, be sure to choose a good variety. Select from all five vegetable subgroups at least four times per week. You should eat at least three ounces of whole grain products each day. At least half of your grain intake should be whole grain based. Milk should also be part of a healthy diet. Consume at least forty-eight ounces of low fat milk or milk products on a daily basis. Your total fat intake should only be between ten and thirty percent of your calories. Most of the fats you consume should be in the form of unsaturated fats, as saturated fats can do much to damage your health. Meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products should all be lean, low-fat, or fat-free. Less than ten percent of your calories should come from saturated fats, and you should always try to avoid trans-fatty acid. Fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be a regular part of your diet as should potassium rich foods. Alcoholic beverages should only be consumed in moderation.

The basis of a healthy diet is excellent nutrition.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Walk this Way

Walking has easily become the most popular form of exercise. It is also the only form of exercise for which the rate of participation does not decline as one ages. In fact, in a recent national survey, the highest percentage of regular walkers as a group was that of men 65 years of age and older. Because walking is the lowest-impact form of exercise we can perform, it is now considered the slowest as well as surest method for obtaining physical fitness.
Because walking was once considered too easy to be thought of as actual exercise, many did not see the action as having the additional impact of improving physical fitness. However a study now clearly shows that walking, especially if done briskly and regularly, is an excellent form of exercise. Consider some of the following data regarding walking as an activity for the purposes of creating physical fitness.
First walking burns approximately the same amount of calories per mile as does running. Though seen at first as impossible, people have begun to understand that the key is that it simply takes longer to cover the mile while walking than it does while jogging. Walking, however, is of course much less stressful on the body, particularly in regards to the pummeling effects on a person’s feet, ankles, and knees when involved in long distance jogging. Recent research indicates that a brisk walking pace of 4 miles per hour, the equivalent of one mile every 15 minutes will burn the same number of calories as jogging at a pace that covers the same distance in 8 1/2 minutes.
Although increasing walking speed will not burn significantly more calories per mile, a vigorous walking pace will actually produce more dramatic conditioning effects on a person. The key point here is the person’s initial fitness level. A person in poor shape will receive significant benefit from a slow speed of walking. However, someone in better shape will either need to walk faster or farther to improve their current conditioning level. A positive impact of increased pace or longer walking distances is the residual benefit of that exercise. Because such a work out pace increases a person’s metabolism rate, their rate will remain elevated after the work out is complete resulting in the burning of additional calories.
Among the most attractive aspects of walking is that almost everyone can do it. Nobody needs to take lessons to learn how to walk. In addition, all you need to do to become a more serious walker is walk faster, increase your distance and walk more often. Walking can be done almost anywhere and the variety of options available is one of the things that make walking such a practical activity. You can consider the mall, the neighborhood or easy hiking trails, with the weather dictating a choice on a given day. Most importantly, walking doesn't cost anything - there are no club fees, no equipment to buy, and no lessons to be taken. Your only required equipment is a comfortable pair of shoes and clothing to match, items that of course can be worn at other times.
Because of its low impact nature, walking is now considered more effective than running and other more highly-touted activities when it comes to weight loss. The reason is because walking is virtually devoid of injury potential and because it has the lowest dropout rate of any form of exercise.
If you need some statistics to help you understand why walking is good for you, try the following. Just thirty minutes of walking a day reduces Cardiovascular Heart Disease by 30 to 50%. In addition, the more active you are now, the less likely you are to die in the next 11 years. So if you want the surest form of health improvement with the least likely form of injury or setback potential, then consider walking as your form of exercise. Since walking for exercise can be done to get you from one location to another, can be done alone or with a partner for the purposes of socialization and can be done at any pace for any distance, its easily the most attractive form of exercise for everyone. The person just starting a new exercise routine as well as the veteran participant that has already developed a fundamental level of fitness will enjoy walking as a form of exercise.