The vast majority of average women are unhappy with several areas of their lower body - talking from the waist down. Stubborn problems and complaints range from "my thighs are too fat and so flabby" to "my legs are too skinny and so un-sexy".
Truth is, even ladies who are generally happy with their legs, thighs, hips and butt areas - would also openly admit to wanting just a bit more improvement in one or two specific areas. Such as the butt and thighs, for example.
These five lower-body tips will help you no matter where you are starting from and no matter what your fitness goals are for your lower body - and for the rest of your body as well.
1 - Whatever types of resistance exercises you choose (you already know that I prefer - and recommend body-weight exercises) - just be sure to move slowly and control your tempo throughout the entire range of motion.
2 - If you know you need to lose weight - then you must go beyond just "eating healthy". You need to have an idea of the number of calories you consume daily. It's simple math - avoid it at your peril. There is a big difference between eating right and eating the right amount of calories.
3 - Include a regular stretching routine in your weekly and monthly fitness schedule. It really doesn't mater what method you prefer - it can be pilates or yoga based - or even a straightforward, 'blue-collar' style like my Opt. Flex. program. But you want to keep your lower body flexible to avoid joint & muscle injuries, speed recuperation between workouts - and allow you to perform at the top of your game - no matter what your game might be.
4 - If you are trying to gain weight and build up some sexy curves - then be sure you are not over-doing your cardio/aerobic exercise. If gaining weight is your primary goal - then 15 minutes of sweat breaking cardio 3 - 5 times per week is all you need for general health purposes. You don't need 40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 7 days a week - as that will work against your goals.
5 - Have Great Sex/Make Passionate Love: I don't mean irresponsible promiscuity here. I'm talking about mature/safe, physically involved sex. Creative, healthy sex relies on lots of physical exertion and muscle stimulation - especially from the lower body. So get your lover and get busy. A loved body - is a sexy body... Yeah baby.
If you are new to exercise, please be sure to get medical clearance before getting started. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Joey Atlas, is the world recognized creator of the Top Abdominal and Core Exercise Program and the Author of the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover for Women Visit his sites for more free tips and articles and online exercise videos
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